• Reviews around height (5.00 of 5)

    Atlantic SPSCUR47 Speaker Stands, Titanium

    • The adjustable height is a wonderful option too
    • Pros - The stands are sturdy and the height is adjustable
    • If it were a bit shorter (height wise) you could slip it under most couches and really get the stands out of the way
    • I like that they hide wires and the height is easy to adjust!
    • These stands are the perfect addition to my surround sound unit, positioning the speakers at the right height and allowing me to position them correctly.
    • The height is also adjustable.
    • Adjustable Height: I put the fronts about ear-level (38") and the surrounds as high as possible (48").5) Hidden wire design
    • Adjustable height
    • Decent price, looks nice, adjustable height
    • It has good height range, way higher than I see myself using it as ear level sitting down is as high as you need
    • Many people would be surprised at how much better their sound is when the speakers are at the right height and positioned properly for the room's/setup's accoustics.
    • It's a has Good quality, height adjustable, and sturdy
    • ths sound is coming from outside in the street, the speakers are at optimal height for surround sound listening and I have to thank these stands for that, the base is heavy enough to keep the speakers from tipping over easily and there is enough mounting hardware for almost any type of small surround sound speakers