• Reviews around good (1.61 of 5)

    Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare - Xbox 360

    • The weapons, gameplay, audio quality, intense graphics as well as the storyline were so awesome
    • The game lags horribly as well...even though it takes forever to kill someone, too often I get killed without even getting a shot off only to look at the killcam and see that the other player saw me for way longer than I saw them due to lag.
    • He especially loves that you can play "classic" team death match as well as how you can edit your character's armor.
    • There are a few tweaks such as non-universal statistics (K/D and such is separate for each game mode), score streaks are customizable (add perks to them, but at a penalty of requiring more score to achieve - including making some score streaks persist through death for a significant penalty - great for players like myself who generally maintain a good, positive K/D but do not go on long streaks)