• Reviews around battle (3.09 of 5)

    Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 - PS4 [Digital Code]

    • Stick to free battle Royale games or wait til this is 20 dollars in a week or two.
    • Blackout works great, and it's my favorite battle royale out of the few that I've played
    • Blackout is call of duty's take on the battle royale genre and it is by far (IMO) the smoothest battle royale mode I've played
    • There's no building, so when you have to battle someone to survive, you can't build an entire apartment complex to shield yourself from the enemy - it's just a brutal battle to see who will make it
    • It's easily the best battle royale game that's come out so far
    • Battle royale a joke, trying to cash in on success of Fortnite.
    • Blackout mode is a blatant rip off of better Battle Royals before it, and Zombies has become to complex with many unnecessary features
    • Is this your first time playing a battle royale game like this
    • Like many, I was confused & upset as to why there wasn’t a campaign mode to fall back when I got tired of Multiplayer
    • Weapon/item variety are more generous in BlackoutCharacter customization is limited as you can only select the gender and race of your characters
    • I have a positive K/D (2.2 on Black Ops 3, 1.5 on WW2), positive W/L, and decent SPM