• Reviews around multiplayer (3.08 of 5)

    Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 - PS4 [Digital Code]

    • I was disappointed to read that they copped out and released basically a garbage graphics multiplayer despite it being
    • Solid Multiplayer options
    • I'm glad they include classic multiplayer modes like Team Deathmatch
    • There is not a campaign and has a very slow paced multiplayer
    • While I haven't tried the Zombies mode (and perhaps never will), both Multiplayer and Blackout modes are winners and provide some of the best experiences in the Call of Duty franchise so far
    • Multiplayer is trash
    • Multiplayer is the traditional fun we’ve come to know, and zombies is deeper than ever
    • On top of the nonexistent story and crappy multiplayer, there is no single player which automatically makes it a hard pass for me
    • personally i can tolerate how avarage the multiplayer is but holy
    • Can't even play multiplayer against coordinated teams ruined all my
    • I did not like the multiplayer on this one
    • Multiplayer is horrible, foggy looking and the split screen is nearly impossible to play
    • Downloaded the game on battle net and the multiplayer doesn't work, contacted customer support and haven't received a reply, save your money and don't buy this game.
    • Multiplayer killed them
    • The regular multiplayer is trash as well
    • The regular multiplayer is trash as well
    • Multiplayer is awesome, plenty of game variations
    • Overall Black Ops 4 is well rounded multiplayer experience
    • Honestly, the multiplayer feels horrendous with all the hit detection, specialists, mediocre maps, bad matchmaking, spawns, and etc
    • The Multiplayer is well put together the only thing is you can spawn kill in certain game modes
    • But if you're looking to get into BR games and still love COD multiplayer you'll love this
    • Never had more exciting multiplayer moments than I do in Blackout
    • Multiplayer sucks
    • But the multiplayer is the best it’s been since BO2, and zombies feels better then ever
    • Multiplayer is awesome
    • Regular multiplayer is decent but Blackout is absolutely great!
    • it has the fast-paced playability of COD and playing multiplayer feels as nice as ever
    • Best multiplayer in years
    • Finally, the Multiplayer is really fun in my opinion
    • They focus completely on multiplayer for this COD and as a result have some the best and most enjoyable multiplayer experiences in Call of Duty in a long time
    • COD would have been terrible if Battle Royale was the only multiplayer mode available
    • ive for the most part enjoyed the multiplayer but idunno it feels tossed to the side and theyre trying to jump on the ban wagon with everyone trying to cash in on Battle royal modes
    • Multiplayer is trash, bunch of spawn trapping and corner lovers
    • Multiplayer is terrible and they ruined zombies by taking out the classic perks Juggernog and Speed Cola
    • Love the game, blackout is addictive, the multiplayer is very
    • Personally, it's my favorite COD multiplayer since Black Ops
    • it's the best multiplayer I've played in years
    • I have a positive K/D (2.2 on Black Ops 3, 1.5 on WW2), positive W/L, and decent SPM
    • I have a positive K/D (2.2 on Black Ops 3, 1.5 on WW2), positive W/L, and decent SPM
    • Like many, I was confused & upset as to why there wasn’t a campaign mode to fall back when I got tired of Multiplayer
    • Weapon/item variety are more generous in BlackoutCharacter customization is limited as you can only select the gender and race of your characters