• Reviews around pace (3.22 of 5)

    Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 - PS4 [Digital Code]

    • it has the fast-paced playability of COD and playing multiplayer feels as nice as ever
    • The mode plays like a more refined, faster paced Player Unknown’s Battlegrounds
    • The positives are the maps and graphics are really good, the maps arent too big or small, the game had lots of potential but they insist on slow movements, extremely high TTK and featuring slow paced SND variant type modes like heist/control, the game just gets boring fast.
    • yet it's much faster-paced, with action at every turn
    • Gameplay is extremely fast paced, the guns control like they would in any other Call of Duty, and movement is as fluid as ever
    • In a way, that makes it sound likes the exact opposite of the poorly optimized and slow paced PUBG, but it just looks and feels similar
    • It's very fast paced and fluid
    • Personally, I love the fast paced pressure of it to try to get more kills than the other team
    • There is not a campaign and has a very slow paced multiplayer
    • I can't go around the maps at a steady pace and try to strategize without being shot from behind every 5 seconds.
    • It feels like I need ADHD to enjoy the pace.
    • , they are trying to please the MLG crowd too much, what made the older COD's great was fast paced arcade like action, now they are turning COD into
    • The new game modes heist and control are awful slow paced campfests with limited
    • , Demolition is gone, the fastest paced game mode, so the only fast paced mode left is hardcore domination, which compared to demolition is still really slow.
    • Multiplayer is a great mix between BO2 and BO3, it is very fast paced like BO3 but it is boots on the ground and plays similar to BO2.This game is not perfect but it has offered me countless hours of fun between all 3 modes
    • Fast pace game no singleplayer no really interested in br multiplayer is really fun tho
    • Like many, I was confused & upset as to why there wasn’t a campaign mode to fall back when I got tired of Multiplayer
    • Weapon/item variety are more generous in BlackoutCharacter customization is limited as you can only select the gender and race of your characters