• Reviews around head (1.22 of 5)

    Dogcare Bark Collar - Dog Bark Collar with Intelligent Bark Control, Effective Sound, Vibration, Automatic Shock Modes Training Collar with LED Indicator, Easy to Use Dog Shock Collar

    • It often went off when she would shake her head, or scratch her hears, or even just run around and act like a dog
    • The only time it ever activates and beeps is when the dog scratches it or shakes her head really hard
    • While the bark collar works ok, when my dog shakes her head it buzzes/vibrates her
    • The one major negative is that the collar will sometimes misfire; it will be triggered to go off by feedback OTHER than the dog's bark - e.g. if my dog shakes his head, or scratches himself around the neck or if he does a friendly howl to indicate he is excited to go for a walk.
    • shook her head and never tried barking again
    • It beeps and reacts to my dog scratching himself, shaking his head, the screen door slamming etc
    • Whenever our dog would shake its head, Corrective Reaction was induced.
    • After trying the product out for about 5 days now, we would notice that whenever our dog (a bernedoodle) would run or would shake his head or scratch his neck the collar with go off on him
    • This has started randomly beeping my dog when he's just sitting there or when he shakes his head
    • Unfortunately this beeps when my foster dog shakes his head or his body
    • For starters- the filter for other barks was crap- it was going off at the slightest sound like their tags jingling when they would shake their heads
    • This collar claims to block outside noises but every time my poor dog would shake his head (as dogs do) it would beep and vibrate and confuse him
    • The only time it worked was when my dog sneezed or when he would shake his head
    • When my dog shakes his head, the collar beeps & vibrates
    • If my dog shakes her head, it beeps
    • just shock his head and sat down
    • He can shake his head and it beeps.
    • My dog will shake its head and it will go off
    • The only time the collar would send a correction would be at random times, not barking, but maybe shaking their head or being petted around their head.
    • My dogs constantly itch themself or shake their head
    • When my dog shook her head it would change the modes constantly
    • I think the product itself is good based on all the positive reviews but for us since we have a dog that shakes its head often, simply didn't work.
    • Then my dog would shake her head or jump and it would beep (but not go off, thankfully)
    • Every time he would shake his head the collar would slide to the side
    • Even at the weakest sensitivity setting it would beep and vibrate when my dog would shake his head or play with his toy, but would not correct him when he barked
    • but she is very good at shaking her head which makes the collar move to the side of her
    • but then when she is playing or shakes her head around it shocks her for no reason
    • It activates whenever my dog shakes her head because her ears flap
    • Works well but the poor dog gets buzzed each time she shakes her head
    • sometimes I would put the collar on, but not actually turn on the collar to prevent him from triggering it when he's just shaking his head
    • It does seem to help some but is also very sensitive and will at times vibrate him when he just shakes his head or scratches
    • My dog can shake her head and it beeps because it detects a "bark"
    • The battery power doesnt last long and my dog can shake her head and it will beep at her making her scared to move
    • and she’s done great with no barking at passing by cars(that’s the reason for the 2 stars, but it also buzzes her when she shakes her head)
    • When I put it on my dog the only reason it would make a sound is when my dog would shake his head or scratch behind his ears
    • The varying intensity levels are a handy feature, but much needed since even things like my dog shaking her head or lapping water out of her water bowl set off the first warning vibration
    • and it would beep if the dogs even shook their head or ran too fast
    • It didn’t work consistently when my dog barked and would sometimes shock him if he was itching his neck or shaking his head hard.
    • Collar would go off Even when my dog would shake his head
    • My dog was playing with a toy, and he growled as he played
    • Worked as it should don't know about the battery life yet.
    • Collar works as it should
    • It also will go off at random times like if my dog moves a certain way or shakes then she will be confused as to why she got shocked
    • The collar works as it says
    • I've had this bark collar since Nov 2019 and it still works as of April 2021!
    • It is NOT for dogs that whine as it does not pick up that frequency
    • The product went off when the dog was sleeping and shocked him as he drank water