• Reviews around thing (3.22 of 5)

    Elixir Strings 80/20 Bronze Acoustic Guitar Strings w NANOWEB Coating, Light (.012-.053)

    • They aren't going to give exquisite subtleties or things like that, not really.
    • I felt overwhelmed by too much of a good thing
    • I suspect that IF these were the only guitar strings available, given time I would eventually get used to the feel, however I simply found myself thinking more about how annoying they were than I did about my playing...not a good thing for a performing musician
    • The only bad thing is that they don't last as long as I thought.
    • The one negative thing I will say is that its sounds IS very bright (which this is not much of a negative at all)
    • These things are AMAZING!
    • the only positive thing I can say is they sound beautiful when they are tuned.
    • I have read so many good things about these strings that i just had to try them, and i was very disappointed when i did
    • But the weird thing is the strings I had before were earth wood medium light strings
    • First of all, these strings sound amazing, which is really the most important thing
    • I ordered the Extra-Light gauge for children playing with the Yamaha 500iii 3/4 acoustic; makes thing fun and comfortable.
    • One thing I didn't like was that the strings felt too "slippery", probably due to its coating.
    • I have been using Elixir strings for over 15 years and reccomend them to anyone that enjoys the good things in life.
    • And, as a non-professional guitar player, that's the most important thing for me
    • I suspect that IF these were the only guitar strings available, given time I would eventually get used to the feel, however I simply found myself thinking more about how annoying they were than I did about my playing...not a good thing for a performing musician
    • These strings are the best thing that could have happened for guitar players
    • Amazing sound and these things last forever.
    • I’ve heard Galway decent things about these
    • Always a good thing.
    • I endorse few things
    • I can't say too many good things about these strings.
    • I heard so many great things about these, that I just had to try them
    • This strings are amazing - the harmonics and fullness of tone really ring out when these things are fresh.
    • " Honestly Thats One Of My Favorite things
    • and they make a good thing even better
    • I know they can, but, holy S**T !!
    • Buy a couple sets...you WON"T be disappointed :)
    • and I can not play for at least a day until my fingers can recover (I've been playing for five
    • I can do a couple gigs with them, but broke the G in middle of solo in front of 300 people
    • They were hard to play; the G and B strings were killer on my fingers
    • Then the G string broke after less then 2 weeks
    • poor tone, G and B string lots of extra noise when plugged into a
    • e.g. Low E and A strings and the vulnerable G string
    • The G-string broke while trying to tune down a step
    • The complaints regarding the g-string and other strings breaking are valid
    • By this promotion, are "normal" strings suppose to last only about a week or less?Also, the last set I put on had a "dead" G string