• Reviews around assembly (4.22 of 5)

    Empire: Total War - PC

    • SEGA, CREATIVE ASSEMBLY and STEAM have betrayed that trust
    • I don't know what happened to the creative assembly but their good name could go down in the gutter with this release.
    • But I bought it anyway because they invented these things called "patches", and Creative Assembly wouldn't let the biggest Total War game ever fail due to some bugs
    • Someone at the Creative Assembly/Sega did not do their job
    • I have spoken to the group of companies involved with this game which includes Sega and Creative Assembly and I have been told this is deliberate corporate policy and that unless sales collapse through a consumer strike it will remain policy
    • Research is a new feature added by Creative Assembly, and you must carefully choose which categories (military, industry, or philosophy) you wish to study.
    • I thought Creative Assembly to be a higher class of game developer than this, but it seems no longer
    • I am an avid Creative Assembly fan, however they screwed this one up significantly due to the STEAM required downloads.
    • I have been meaning to buy this game all year, but held back because prior to its release, I saw many comments on the Internet that Creative Assembly have this horrible habit of releasing untested games
    • As a long time fan of the Total War series, I feel bad about all the negativity being directed at Creative Assembly
    • Due to an overwhelming fan base for the Total War series ETW was released way too soon and Creative Assembly (CA) and SEGA's collaboration with Steam was the absolute worst decision possible.
    • Creative Assembly players, you should want this one in your collection!The graphics are absolutely stunning
    • The Creative Assembly has finally finished patching it so the gameplay is smooth and the combat, while not as solid as seen in Shogun 2, nonetheless provides months (literally) of entertainment and replay value
    • CREATIVE ASSEMBLY has cut its own throat
    • Creative Assembly (CA) released this much anticipated game KNOWING that it was a beta version
    • The Visuals------------------------I think Creative Assembly did a nice job on the map
    • Furthermore, Creative Assembly has kept a close watch on the game, and already several updates have been issued
    • But the Bashing and 2 star scores EVERY Pc game is just demorilizing!Creative Assembly spent years developing this game and it is loads of fun!I have played all Total War games since Shogun and this is the best iteration, hand down
    • Most disheartening news was the fact that sometime during late stages of development Creative Assembly (CA) lead Artificial Intelligence (AI) programmer had to leave the team, and what I could gather from CA's blogs, it was very hard to pick up for others and AI was doomed from the get-go
    • I just want the Creative Assembly to see how negative the reviews on places like Amazon are so they know what we don't want- outrageous copy protection
    • You can make awesome games, what happened?Creative assembly has been really hit or miss.
    • Creative Assembly made a Devil's bargain with Sega just before Medieval 2: Total War was finished, and that was the beginning of the end for them, unfortunately
    • Creative Assembly tried to do a whole bunch of new things with this game
    • Update* Creative Assembly is Introducing Grand Campaign Multiplayer *Update*[
    • But I bought it anyway because they invented these things called "patches", and Creative Assembly wouldn't let the biggest Total War game ever fail due to some bugs
    • I will never buy another Creative Assembly game, or any game associated iwth STEAM, and I will encourage everyone I know, and all those I don't, to join in my boycott.
    • To download the damn game took me 9 hours!Creative Assembly what the heck is wrong with you?
    • As I see it, Creative Assembly has spent all of its credibility capital from the prior installments on this piss-poor shell of a game
    • Creative Assembly, I am sad to say, but my 6+ year relationship, and automatic loyalty with you, to where I would buy every new TW game you release has now ended.
    • I have been a BIG FAN of Creative Assembly games: Rome, Medieval II, + Expansion Packs
    • I enjoyed the previous Total War titles from Creative assembly, even if I found Rome a bit of a tired entry in the series, but this horse is dead now, time to move on and do something... creative
    • From the first game of the series, Shogun Total War (2000) through the last iteration, Medieval 2 Total War (M2TW, 2007), the Creative Assembly (CA) have been justly renowned for the unique marriage of these disparate modes into one grand whole.
    • From the first game of the series, Shogun Total War (2000) through the last iteration, Medieval 2 Total War (M2TW, 2007), the Creative Assembly (CA) have been justly renowned for the unique marriage of these disparate modes into one grand whole.
    • Empire has the makings of a top-notch Total War game, but Creative Assembly just couldn't wait a little longer to release it and work out the bugs, so they basically churned out a half-finished product.
    • Thank you Sega, Creative Assembly and any other collaborators for all the great strategy/tactic war games you bring from time
    • will be the last time I purchase a game from Creative Assembly within the first six months of
    • What moron at SEGA or Creative Assembly thought the Steam client would be a good idea and help with customer approval, who wants to be forced to have a third party client that forces you to turn off your virus protection to run a game
    • I have been a huge fan of the Total War series from Creative Assembly, first starting with Shogun nearly a decade ago, then moving onto both Medieval Total Wars, as well as Rome Total War.
    • Creative Assembly, I am sad to say, but my 6+ year relationship, and automatic loyalty with you, to where I would buy every new TW game you release has now ended.
    • Alliances are made and then ignored as you sit back and watch a country that just allied with you attack one of your settlements on the very next turn
    • Allies and protectorates now work together as, in my Prussian campaign, I attacked Saxony and Poland and Courland declared war on me.
    • In fact you will lose them as they get stuck on everything
    • The color and pageantry of warfare in this age lends itself well to gaming (ask any old-time wargamer), and E
    • Just enjoy M
    • Like other Steam games, you can't run the game in more than one place at a time, but as long as you exit the game on PC "A" before launching it on PC "B" there isn't a problem