• Reviews around money (3.72 of 5)

    Empire: Total War - PC

    • bulster your cities that way or gain money that
    • When you're spending enough money for half an army just on farms, whereas in previous games you'd spend less than half that for the same amount, you start to hemhorrage money and start getting enemies raiding your territory because you can't afford a standing army to stand in EVERY SINGLE MINI TOWN and port and farm
    • I paid good money to purchase a game that was supposed to be SINGLE player as well as multiplayer.
    • What battle AI?DON'T WASTE YOUR MONEY
    • No, our misrepresentation doesn't commit us to refunding your money.
    • Don't waste your money on this game.
    • Second, don't waste your money on this one either.
    • Do not waste your money
    • I actually went out and scraped up enough money to buy a computer that could handle this game and I definitely do not regret it one bit.
    • this game is worth the money and worth the long download time.
    • Naturally, you don't have enough money for
    • Way to go to cheat money.
    • Many companies have said they will not even make games exclusively for the PC any more since they have lost too much money through piracy, so I dont blame them for at least trying Steam
    • The economy is too bad to waste your money on this thing
    • First -- don't waste the extra money on that edition, it's a scam.
    • All in all I would have given it a 2 out of 5 because of the scope and the attempt, but with CA dropping it off their support after handing out a slipshod product for good money
    • Don't waste your money if you ever plan up to upgrade your computer, because they'll tell you that the product code has already been used.
    • STEAM could not (would not) do anything but the seller refunded my money
    • I could never get it to work tried several time just wasted my money need a
    • I had no army anywhere close to this region, and nowhere near enough money to so much as stack up my cities with militia
    • Just enjoy M
    • The color and pageantry of warfare in this age lends itself well to gaming (ask any old-time wargamer), and E