• Reviews around unit (2.02 of 5)

    Empire: Total War - PC

    • I have this to say:The unit pathfinding is horrendous
    • What I miss most from previous games were the diverse units each country had, how some were more focused on archers, while others were on cavalry
    • Since enemy units don't generally rout in Empire while in the walls in their own fort, this makes killing enemy units on walls an extremely difficult task.
    • A company that actually bases all the units and their capabilities on historical research and tediously works to make the combat as real as it can get on a screen
    • Poor path finding for the ai during battle such as entering/exiting a building, assaulting/defending a fort, units unable to take the most obvious and shortest path and taking the longest route
    • Unit "pathing" is poor for cavalry when they encounter fences or structures while pursuing routed units and pathing is poor for all units in siege battles.
    • I am sorry to say i was one of the fools who, against my own better judgement, not only pre-ordered this game but also went for pricier "special units" edition
    • I tried to take depleted units in a city and stack them (to reinforce quicker) guess what
    • Empire disappoints because of terrible AI, bland graphics and units, and the atrocity of forcing gamers to use Steam
    • Both on the camera( i have changed my camera settings several times to try to correct the feel) and the units themselves
    • And why is it that G.B has the best units in the game
    • , it has a couple extra units, not worth 70 trust, me, if you want the HMS Victory or the Ottoman cannon, buy it from
    • Assuming your units are winning a melee battle, they will often get an enemy unit down to two to three men, only to continually "knock down" enemy units without actually killing them.
    • Also this game does a great job of making you not treat your units like fodder.
    • It does use artillery to soften up the fortress to create some holes, but with some well placed units you can defend your fortification even if you are vastly outnumbered
    • I order my forces to attack the unit and instead of crossing the bridge, the units ran down stream, across the shallow ground, up to the enemy fort, around it, up a mountain, down the mountain, then back to the bridge
    • I didn't like the fact that you had to pay more money to get some cool units, called the "Special Forces Edition", but after reading the features of
    • Another problem: blowing down walls with cannons/mortars to bypass the problems associated with having your units scale the walls precipitates the problem of enemy AI overloading the program with the "command loop" that I described above, causing significant lag
    • The three reasons I give this game a three because of the camera and the time it takes units to die, and the speed of the game.
    • Unit graphics are boring and dull, sound is yawningly average, and the campaign map has actually gotten smaller compared to Medieval II and Rome TW
    • It adds great sounds and music, as well as bigger unit sizes.
    • Equal unit below city walls destroys unit on the walls :-S. Apparently in this game walls provide no protection
    • It was evident when first downloadable content (DLC) was released, that SEGA and CA will milk this thing for what's it worth by making silly new units and selling them $5 a pop
    • Then my saved games would sometimes corrupt, or I'd have a unit that I couldn't try to move or it would crash
    • How does a company release a game that will not play for more than 15 minutes without crashing to the desktop and such basic functions as combining units causes it to crash (this bug seems to be fixed).This game is not playable in its current state.
    • Additionally, assuming that they can successfully get onto the walls, your units will have a difficult time fighting enemy AI in melee while on the walls.
    • you want your good units and generals to survive
    • To start off the AI for the units on the battle map, was poorly done, if you would order a unit to retreat they would retreat right at the enemy
    • (disabling your sound card supposedly maybe a fix, not in my case)Very poor unit variety across factions
    • So units take a long time to die, and the natives, if they had any attack whatsoever would rape any army that you sent to meet it, but they do not since their attack is so weak.
    • i enjoy that units can take cover in buildings and behind walls and the like
    • if you love Medieval total war games U WILL LOVE THIS GAME!