• Reviews around boss (2.29 of 5)

    Final Fantasy VIII

    • As far as side quests go, FF8 has a lot, and they are pretty fun to complete (the battle with Omega Weapon was definetly the best part of the game, he's probably the hardest boss in just about any
    • However, dispite it's short comings it still is a good game and more casual gamer friendly since extensive training isn't reqiured to defeat hard bosses
    • Where it falls short of VII is the plot, which just isn't as good, mainly because you dont meet the final boss until the very end of the game (also a criticism of IX).
    • The bosses are hard...not unbeatable, but you really have to pump your characters up or they'll never survive.
    • There are plenty of hard bosses including the formidable Ultima and Omega weapons, the latter providing an exceptionally hard challenge indeed
    • Through proper use, these systems can be very rewarding; you can have an ultra-powerful character early in the game with the correct extraction of magic from enemies and application to particular stats and whiz through otherwise frustrating boss fights with pumped-up GF attacks
    • Just as seven the hardest boss was an optional boss that you could pick not to fight and get the same ending
    • It's fun and the bosses are challenging although the final bosses is pretty easy to kill
    • 0/10as many other people have done, as soon as i finished wasting my time playing this game and finally destroyed the final boss i took out the disk from my playstation, placed it in its case, placed in on a shelf behind my other cds, and it has not been touched ever since
    • It pissed me off when I had to fight bosses just to break Ultimacia's seal, that was dumb
    • Improving rank through missions decreases in opportunity as the game progresses, and I was disappointed that there were not more opportunities to improve rank by rescuing someone, defeating a boss, completing a quest in a certain time limit, or simply following orders
    • Weapon anyone?I love how they have optional bosses in this game like VII
    • I easily blew through the first half of this game, killing bosses in a ludicrously low number of hits
    • One thing that is very good about this game is that it is very chalenging and some of the bosses are probably the hardest boss in any RPG because he is over 1,161,000.This game is very good for a Final Fantasy fan and has very cool storyline.
    • All RPGs tend to have super bosses and lengthy final battles, but the story itself wasn't compelling enough to make me really want to care, or really curious, to bring the game to its conclusion
    • The problems with this game are, they tried too hard in the graphics for that time and are very messy, the game freezes up easily and it is too hard to level up so the bosses are ussually much too strong for your party
    • (Who the heck is the last boss and how did she get into the story again?
    • Seventh, Omega Weapon serves a good chalenge, being the most powerful optional boss in any FF game
    • The gameplay is awesome,I love the enimies and the bosses are ussually pretty tough
    • However, dispite it's short comings it still is a good game and more casual gamer friendly since extensive training isn't reqiured to defeat hard bosses
    • Because of the nature of the junction system, and the new approach to limit breaks, when Squall acquires his ultimate weapon and limit break, the remainder of the game becomes dishearteningly easy, since almost any boss (with the exception of Omega Weapon, which is an optional battle anyway) can be defeated in three or four rounds.
    • All of the enemies and bosses gain levels along with the Squall, the hero, so you won't have to dread fighting level 99 bosses at level 20, which makes it easier to get into the story
    • Challenging Sidequest Boss fights (
    • No longer can you spend an hour beating enemy after enemy in hopes that the boss will be easier this time
    • There are HUNDREDS of monsters and beasts to fight, the bosses are very hard to fight but in the end it's worth it
    • One disappointment about this game is that monsters are always around your level; in an average Final Fantasy game, you must train your men a little bit before defeating tough bosses
    • The only bad part was how easy the bosses in the final tower were
    • Some people will just save them for the boss battles but either your characters will be at a decent stat level after all the drawing or the instant you summon a GF some bosses will go ballistic on the summoner and severely hurt or kill your GF
    • By far, my favorite battle system of all the Final Fantasy games-Opportunities to do what you want (within reason) in terms of running around and training, etc.-Very Very Very difficult boss battles, both the battle at the beginning of disk 4 and the final battle WILL take a few tries for first-time playersCons:-Story advancing parts of the game due tend to get boring, especially when the game has you running around a town for a good 30 minutes, but the story is what keeps it going.-Once the junctioning system is mastered, many boss battles, including the Omega Weapon, become very easyI hope this review helps people looking to buy the product.
    • Various side quests and challenges are provided so that reaching the levels needed to kill the final bosses doesn't become tedious, and an incredibly complex character building system makes sure that everyone's playing experience is different
    • There are HUNDREDS of monsters and beasts to fight, the bosses are very hard to fight but in the end it's worth it
    • this process is required to defeat the final boss)The second complete worst part of this game is the following
    • Pressed the "fight" key 6 times to kill last boss