• Reviews around character (3.43 of 5)

    Final Fantasy VIII

    • The characters actually look like real people not the short elf-like characters of other FF games.
    • I love the characters in this game with Squall ( I always rename to riptide or forest ) being my favorite.
    • The characters became shallow and not very interesting (it got so bad that I ended up hating Squall, the main one)
    • I didn't think the plot was something which i would go 'wow' nor characters were fresh visually for being realistic rather than super-deformed, but other than that there was nothing, nada
    • Bad plot, bad characters, bad battle system, reused, recycled plots that aren't even good ones,
    • I could go one, but I have to say the only enjoyable character was Seifer... and he wasn't even that great.
    • It is a game with good graphics and excellent characters, but the overall environment leaves something out.
    • Often-criticized for having "Popeye" arms, the characters now look completely realistic and proportioned evenly
    • Indepth story, great music, anti-hero main character, and some truly amazing cinemas
    • I love the plot and the characters are great, you really get to know them individually
    • Final Fantasy VIII has an amazing story with amazing characters and amazing musics
    • FF8 has a grand scale of well developed characters
    • , the characters look really cool like the sharpshooter or the gunbladeist.this game has superior gameplay and mindblowing grahics You wont be able to put it down!!!
    • After falling under the spell of Cloud, Aeris, Sephiroth and all the rest, I felt like hiding under my blankets and sobbing after meeting Squall, Rinoa and the other lame characters
    • The junctioning system was very complex and if you did not spend time re-junctioning, your characters would be seriously unprepared for later battles (I had problems with Adel because I had not re-junctioned better spells to my HP -- I had also not realized the importance of refining items).
    • The characters are terrible (ESPECIALLY Squall) and I didn't find myself caring who lived or died.
    • The rest of the characters were interesting in many ways in their own respect: Quistis struggling to maintain her professionalism as well as sorting out her feelings about some of the others; Zell and his need to be approved of (which many teenagers can relate to); Selphie, who plays the upbeat and loveable character (Yuffie and Rikku anyone?) who can be disturbingly violent (and scary) at times; Irvine, the cocky and flirtatious sharpshooter who has problems with pressure (another imperfect character that is easy to relate to); Edea (in my opinion, on the the most wonderful villains in the series), an evil sorceress that brings a mysticism that is hard to put a label on and that I feel too many villains lack; And Seifer, a rival that is exactly similar and opposite to Squall himself in personality and even appearance
    • The photorealistic characters, settings and effects all but set the stage for the picturesque beauty of Final Fantasy X, the cutscenes remain an almost speechless affair, and the character designs and overall visual theme of the game itself are just breathtaking
    • This game is amazing...great story, the best characters and of course, lots of summons (GF)
    • Zell was by far my favorite character, he was so cool
    • Squall, the main character, and Rinoa, the love interest, are both realistic characters with believable depth
    • Rinoa is another awesome character, but I'm not gonna spoil it for those of you who haven't played the game yet, but believe me, it is just SO awesome!
    • Rival character joins the darkside
    • The other characters include Quistis, the teacher barely older than her students; Zell, the friend easily fumed by such comments as "chicken-wuss;" Selphie, the vivacious girl who tries to be so cute and air-
    • As far as abilities, you have to learn the abilities first before you can junction them using the menu screen controls, but once you have them, those abilities make a weak character's attributes SO MUCH MORE powerful
    • The characters are so realistic that you become attached to them.
    • Although sometimes annoying, I think it's genius because the battle system can quite easily by abused to form super-characters, It's very easy to level up, though, because you basically only need 1000 exp. to gain a level, unlike the past or later Final Fantasies which require more experience points as you level up
    • Great story, a bit of a confusing junction system, but characters are likable and music is memorable
    • The characters are realistic.
    • They attack the realistic character design in favor of cartoonish disproportionate characters.
    • There are great characters with cool weapons and magic skills that are learned during the course of the game.
    • In other words the characters overcame their inner flaws to become something else
    • You don't really get attached with the characters except for the two most important characters.
    • The characters are insanely dull and just can't make up their mind.
    • Pros:-Very very deep storyline with great character development-Not something that you can sit down and play like FF7 (although some of you may consider this a con)-Junctioning System
    • Such as car rentals, salaries, tests of knowledge, mini-quests, gorgeous FMV, great characters, a well-crafted story line and the mighty Moombas!Now, whether you like FF8 or not is your personal opinion
    • and why, the characters are all bland and one dimensional except for Squall and Rinoa, but their development happens so fast that it completely ruins the meaning
    • If you like RPGs, great plot twists, likeable characters, interesting enemies or just have about six months with nothing to do, then get this game
    • As I was playing Kingdom Hearts, I became more curious as to what these characters were like in their original games
    • The more magic spells in a slot, the higher that character's stat number will rise
    • Speaking of childish characters, you have Laguna, Selfie, and Irvinne who all reminded me in the worse way that they were adolescents
    • Through proper use, these systems can be very rewarding; you can have an ultra-powerful character early in the game with the correct extraction of magic from enemies and application to particular stats and whiz through otherwise frustrating boss fights with pumped-up GF attacks
    • Again, I don't think I have ever seen an FF game that has as dynamic characters as this one.
    • The characters aren't very complex and you never really fall in love with them and they aren't believable
    • Engaging stories, beautiful cutscenes, lovable characters
    • but it's got a bad main character
    • Because the guy that makes the 7+ (Tactics, IX and XII aside) can't write good characters up as protagonists to save his life
    • In typical Japanese gaming style, the subtle combination of these Guardian Forces, with your chosen weapon, and magic, can turn your characters into unbelievably power warriors, or merely slightly enhanced fighters
    • This is still a good game to have in the collection, good storyline and great characters.
    • There's plenty to discover in this game, and perseverance and inquisition are well-rewarded with nifty little tidbits of character history and cool bonuses
    • He becomes an emo, depressed teenager who delves too much into his own thoughts to notice that the game's three beautiful female characters all have feelings for him
    • The characters were great, and so were the graphics
    • The characters are not shallow, i dont understand why that is a peeve to many.
    • _like those Dickens Coincidences) and a poor main character
    • You'd better be prepared to fight a lot of battles but you need to anyway, because the GFs need a lot of points to learn certain things, and the only way to get them is to fight, and if you want good characters, you need to fight and get experience points
    • Rich characters that one can easily relate to, and if you are a girl, the guys are really
    • First of all, there are only six characters and all are met in the first disc which takes away the oppurtunity to explore and discover secret characters (like Yuffie & Vincent in FFVII)
    • The story is somewhat lacking, the characters are just very dull
    • I liked the character's, the plot, the game play
    • you will love this game no matter waht, but if you just played this game for curiosity you will love this game its stry, characters will take you in to another world , and i can tell you that you will get so involved with this story
    • Although I loved the characters in FFX and the new costumes and characters in Kingdom Hearts, FF8 characters just have a certain beauty to them.
    • The characters are all very believable and you really have to work to complete the game
    • The characters look very realistic, and the FMV's will keep you on the edge of your seat
    • I don't understand the reviews where people praise the characters in this game
    • , i think they are better than ff9 though, its more realistic)the characters, they are so cute,funny, and everything especially squall, he is such a hottie, and i think he and rinoa make an adorable couple, and they look good together, the storyline rocks!!
    • The main character is grumpy and unsociable, and this reviewer could not relate to him as a player should be able to.
    • The character of Laguna is probably the most well-developed character I've ever known
    • I love every single character in this game
    • Squall is a horrible lead character, his compatriots are pointless and whiny, and the enemy is horrible as well
    • It has complex characters and really intense situations
    • While Squall may be a rather hard character to like since he is a but of a rude introverted person, in the end you'll grow to love him and the many characters that tag along with him during the journey
    • the characters were believable, same with the story
    • Starting with FF8, every game in the FF series is very epic in scope, but fails to fill the framework of its design with sufficient plot and character-related details
    • Also, the battle system may be a bit harder to understand but once you get the hang of it, your characters can become invincible almost
    • Squall is the coolest video game character with the coolest weapon out there (gunblade) and just cool overall
    • It is an incredible way to control what your characters are capable of what they're strong against and what they're weak against
    • The main character was very bland as well
    • The characters can get annoying, the gameplay can get repetitive, the storyline has a lot of weird moments
    • Thus, you will take 1, 2, or all 3 characters available and just draw the limitless amount Thunder and Cure spells to fill up your 100 stock limit
    • The love story,music and memorable characters does it for me.
    • The FMV scenes are superior to every other graphics i have EVER seen in my entire life-span (yes including ps2 graphics), and even during gameplay the graphics are superior (during gameplay they are worse than ps2 graphics i might add), and the only flaw in them is the pixelations, as the characters look a bit fuzzy
    • The challenge is high enough to shock even some RPG veterans, and the characters are easy to like
    • And you can't avoid this, because your characters are so weak physically, that you must use them at least twice a battle.
    • Great story, great characters, great game.
    • Other characters are only supporting them
    • For instance the main character Squall, the "reluctant and tactiturn hero", has many unique qualities that leave the player eager to unfold how he became how he is.
    • Third, the game has a great plotline and the characters, especially Squall, have lots of emotion
    • There are a lot of other things to nitpick about here like how a prominent non-playable character allows you to see the past and tries to change it for the better knowing it is futile and not having their powers ever given an explanation on how they got them or why they got them
    • Its concentration on the organization, application and implementation of magic into each character's physical attributes appealed to the anal-retentive librarian in me, while the epic storyline, unimaginably cool cutscenes and untouchable characters swept me off my feet
    • The main character, Squall is quite interesting for an introvert, Rinoa is a lovable character from the first time you meet her and what develops between the two is pretty moving and the FMV's just make the love story ten, no 20 times more interesting and unforgettable
    • don't call her Yuffie); Laguna, is a real good character(He shoulda been the hero instead of Squall, a loser); Kiros has some pretty wicked blades, and woulda been a great replacement for Zell
    • Every other character in this game is far better than he is in terms of character development
    • Of all the FF games, part VI has to be the best one--it has the best story, most characters but still great character development, and best music for each character
    • The magic is gone, the fantasy, nice weapons, and the characters with an actual background were not here
    • My first experience with the Final Fantasy series was FF7.I didn't think they could top that excellent game,but they did!Final Fantasy VIII has everything an RPG should have,An excellent storyline,wonderful characters you can come to love,and(although the least important)great graphics
    • The character and storyline are the worst i've ever seen
    • The GF animations are crisp and clear and the characters look much better than FF7.SOUND:
    • One of the things I have cherished about the Final Fantasy games is the quirky character design and plots, this game has neither.
    • Squall would have been a great character...if you learned and worked through something terrible that happened in his childhood that caused him to become so miserable.
    • Final Fantasy 8 is by far the best one yet.(I have not yet tried FF9)Squall is a very great character for the lead role as a SEED student
    • This caused some early frustration, as I vainly watched my characters get their butts kicked because I couldn't attack.
    • After battle, characters will gain a certain amount of experience that allows them to gain levels
    • This magic is the main factor in how strong your characters are, so you don't have much choice
    • My fave' male character is the handsome, sweet, ladies' man himself, Irvine because he kinda favors me.
    • Bad plot, bad characters, bad battle system, reused, recycled plots that aren't even good ones,
    • The characters are great,storyline is great,the enviroments are great, the battle system is great everythingis great
    • The graphics are great, the characters actually look like people now
    • My hatred of Rinoa's character aside, it seemed like the game designers didn't even care about realistic character development
    • My hatred of Rinoa's character aside, it seemed like the game designers didn't even care about realistic character development
    • Squall is a well developed character, but Final Fantasy VIII does little to develop its other characters.
    • These are perhaps the most-fleshed out and realistic characters ever seen in an RPG
    • let's make a good story, rock solid characters, and an enjoyable non turn based
    • Indeed, every single character has an issue which comes to the forefront in the game; it's not just the main protagonist which hogs the stage
    • My favorite character though has to be Sorceress Edea, as when it's revealed that she was being possessed by another sorceress, Edea (becoming a temporary party member
    • To be honest, the characters are just...ugly
    • Your characters are physically weak, which cause an overreliance on those flashy summon monsters, and don't even get me started on the draw system.
    • From the clean, futuristic architecture of balamb garden, the engrossingly melodramatic summons, and the cool character renditions (such as Squall's cyberpunk gunslinger look), this is the finest design output from SquareSoft yet
    • She herself has a few surprising twists in the story and her relationship with Squall is something that can only be described as fate as it nearly picks up where their parents left off (opps, did I say too much?).Filled with rich and interesting characters, some of whom purposely break free of some FF stereo types, the story itself is wonderfully character driven
    • The characters are very cool.
    • course- the handsome male characters
    • it felt more or less like the characters were merely pawns being moved around a board to merely be a participate in the story rather than the reason for the story, where as in this title the characters are strong and vibrate and the story develops because of their actions not the other way around like in previous FF games.
    • They have to make a game where you actually like the character you play and not one where you constantly yell at the screen calling him an idiot for doing something stupid or saying "SHE LIKES YOU
    • It is a major upgrade from FF7, due to an easier to understand story, more believable characters, an a much more interesting battle system
    • The characters are realistic with different personalities, and the music is also very nice
    • He is instructed to a mission in Timber with the help of 2 other SeeD members, Zell and Selphie, two of my favorite characters.
    • They were well incorporated into that series, and they had likable personalities, so I decided to try one of the original Final Fantasy games to see what these characters were like in their own games
    • These characters are perhaps the most boring of all time
    • The main problem comes from the game's plot, which wouldn't be so bad if cutscenes weren't so long and there weren't boring and cliched characters populating the story (the only non-human characters in the game are enemies)
    • The characters are easy to relate to because they're students, like most of the people who will end up playing FF8
    • Despite some weak characters and the confusing GF system (Which once you learn makes the game a little more fun albeit repetitive), this game is good
    • You will love the characters.
    • The main character was very bland as well
    • Sorry for going off on a rant, I just really hate this character)
    • The game also took a very cinematic approach and the realistic characters were again necessary to pull that off.
    • In my opinion, she's a helpless princess-type character and is a horrible love interest for Squall
    • Love all the characters, plots and quests
    • While Squall may be a rather hard character to like since he is a but of a rude introverted person, in the end you'll grow to love him and the many characters that tag along with him during the journey
    • The characters in this game definitely make it the best.
    • And, probably the most fun thing about Final Fantasy games is missing in this one: you can't rename the characters, and with FFX having voice overs with the character's names in them, I guess that will never come back.
    • I thought the characters were excellent.
    • I had no idea how it played, what the characters were like: the only referance was a glowing 10/10 report of the game in a magazine
    • Without a doubt, the characters in this game are the most realistic
    • The battle system is horrible, the characters are very boring and annoying (especially Squall), and the enemies are too powerful for your weak characters
    • The characters are so life like and so are the monsters
    • The characters are Really Life Like, and the graphics ROCK!
    • If the writers would have put more thought and LOGIC into this story, such stupid and random scenarios and characters would not have to be thrown in
    • But for great graphics and truly awesome characters, buy Final Fantasy 8.
    • FFVIII had a few slightly memorable characters to me
    • I liked collecting the cards; I really liked winning the most important cards from important characters (though it's odd to play Edea's husband twenty rounds after you find him on this barren rock and he tells you the whole sad story of blah de blah etc.)
    • i like the characters and man i fell in love w/ rinoa
    • He is in the game mostly for comedic relief, but he is a very deep character and I enjoyed playing with him, especially at the beginning of the third disk, as much as I did playing with Squall
    • The graphics take a step up from final fantasy 7 which make the characters look much more life like, which some people dont like too much.
    • The Limit Breaks give each character their own flavor.
    • he smelled like cheap girlie perfume, which told me alot about this guy...er....character.
    • RPG's, Final Fantasy, terrific graphics for the 1990's or well designed characters.
    • The characters aren't very complex and you never really fall in love with them and they aren't believable
    • In each disc, there are all sorts of lush 32-bit landscapes and characters, as well as gorgeous summons and various other magic spells
    • Flat, emotionless, lifeless, boring, uninspired characters with bad attitudes and a lame main protagonist AND antagonist top it all off.
    • If you like RPGs, great plot twists, likeable characters, interesting enemies or just have about six months with nothing to do, then get this game
    • However, the main character is not a star-crossed lover, he slowly changes from an arrogant loner to a careful emphatic indivual who falls for Rinoa
    • It's driven not by CG cinema scenes or by random battles but by its endearing characters and genuine emotion
    • The characters, I believe, are the most outstanding, well developed characters, each with their own distinct personalities I've seen in any RPG game, except maybe FF VII-X, which are just as well done
    • Squall Leonheart is the best main character ever in the series
    • Never before have I seen so many memorable characters in a single game
    • They attack the realistic character design in favor of cartoonish disproportionate characters.
    • Character design: The characters are well drawn up,but are just
    • Every enemy carries its own spells, and with the draw function, a character may "suck up" a number of them into their own inventory
    • As far as abilities, you have to learn the abilities first before you can junction them using the menu screen controls, but once you have them, those abilities make a weak character's attributes SO MUCH MORE powerful
    • i like (Irvine, Quistis, Squall (Who i'm half and half on, after the first disc he becomes a much better character)Anyway, just to go over some aspects of the gamePROS:-A game on the playstation that finally has some decent graphics, this game looks good and the GF animations are incredible the first few times you watch them -Really good movie clips, the FMA is well done and clearly toiled over -Simple game play, long time gamers and new gamers can get into
    • And some of them can't even get the damn character's name right or played the whole game through, but still giving a review
    • You need a captivating story, a villain you can really hate, and most of all great characters you can attach to
    • I had first heard of the franchise through playing KINGDOM HEARTS (which I absolutely loved!), as the series was a crossover between Disney and characters from Square Enix, allowing the player to interact with popular Final Fantasy characters like Cloud, Cid, Squall, Yuffie, Aerith, and the mother of all video game bosses, Sephiroth (I still can't kill him in either KH1 or KH2)
    • The characters here are the best ever, in any existing video game.
    • * Squall continues the paradigm set by Cloud, in that they have to stick the worst or one of the worst characters in the game, as the main character
    • The rest of the characters were interesting in many ways in their own respect: Quistis struggling to maintain her professionalism as well as sorting out her feelings about some of the others; Zell and his need to be approved of (which many teenagers can relate to); Selphie, who plays the upbeat and loveable character (Yuffie and Rikku anyone?) who can be disturbingly violent (and scary) at times; Irvine, the cocky and flirtatious sharpshooter who has problems with pressure (another imperfect character that is easy to relate to); Edea (in my opinion, on the the most wonderful villains in the series), an evil sorceress that brings a mysticism that is hard to put a label on and that I feel too many villains lack; And Seifer, a rival that is exactly similar and opposite to Squall himself in personality and even appearance
    • Funny characters
    • Though bits and pieces resulted in a headache, I enjoyed watching the characters
    • In most FF games the characters are inside the lead character but not in this one
    • Yes it has a cheesy plot twist mid way, but the game makes up for it for through its fantastic character building and pacing
    • Often-criticized for having "Popeye" arms, the characters now look completely realistic and proportioned evenly
    • , Leon is a really cool character
    • Good story, memorable characters, fun leveling system and unique, creative environments
    • The story is a decent and straight forward one that has some decent characters.
    • Think about it:Every FF game main character has major problems
    • Then you start to feel like you become the characters and that you can relate to them
    • Really, what stronger motivation is there?Now, despite the good story, the game was hindered by poor character development.
    • Squall has a great deal of objections to overcome in identifying and getting a firm grip on love, and even then he has trust issues making him a character that is much easier for me to identify with as Squall and
    • You can really see each characters personality very well
    • Its not all bad though, there's some very pretty cutscenes and the characters do develop as the story progresses.
    • Rinoa isn't exactly my favorite character, since most of the time she is a damsel in distress and causes all attention in the game to be focused on her
    • The characters are totally shallow, and not even one time during the entire
    • The monsters and bosses level up as your characters which makes leveling up totally useless
    • The story starts as a revolution, and then the characters discover that events are really being manipulated by a series of sorceresses who want to destroy the world so that they can rule it
    • This game is great, it has a beautiful story as well as character development
    • With the release of Kingdom Hearts 2 and the reappearance of some great old FF8 characters, I think this is a game that everyone should go back and pick up- especially as inexpensive as it is now.
    • GF's as well come with their own lists of learned abilities, which you may pick and choose in the order of which you wish them learned, thus leading to a better character-GF compatibility, as well as more open stat slots and greater strength
    • But who doesn't like a pessimistic Squall-type character
    • In my opinion the realistic character design is much easier to be taken when you are dealing with an equally realistic and complex plot.
    • in)Although there are many other things that I like about the game (the story, well rounded characters, actually engaging battles, etc.
    • The graphics are da bomb, the characters are great & have their own style
    • The 'Guardian Forces' that allow characters to junction magic can be summoned with devastating attacks, but I hesitate to use them because the summon animations are roughly 30 seconds long each
    • Ive heard all the complaints;bad story, bad characters,not like the regular final fantasys,
    • And there wasn't enough character development for Squall's teammates
    • The new focus on summoned monsters as equippable characters which level up and gain skills to boost your character, such as strength upgrades or upgrades to themselves which boost their damage or HP, is really not fun at all, since there's zero strategy involved
    • Oh yes, each character has each different and good 'limit break'
    • Vincent actually was the only lead character I played with when discovering him in Sephiroth's mansion after he set it aflame
    • The characters are believable and easy to relate to, the graphics, while somewhat dismal on the world wap, are quite excellent once you go into certain areas like Balamb garden or the Shumi Village
    • However, Rinoa's character is worse
    • The characters are fantastic - I loved every single one of them and the villain was terrifying (which is what she's supposed to be; Sephiroth never scared me
    • I admired the more realistic and correctly-proportioned characters in the game, but disliked the final battles and the preparations needed to have some chance at the final conflict
    • Its a really fun game with a great storyline and realistic characters
    • I've played Final Fantasy VII and IX, but I feel the characters are more believable in this one, the drama is more serious, the leveling system is rewarding and Final Fantasy VIII has some of the most imaginative environments I've seen in any video game
    • I never managed to fall in love with them as I did with the cheesy, blocky characters from FF7
    • I just wanted to smack the characters around for being so emo right off the bat
    • There's none of the romance of VII, where you really felt like the characters were pawns in something bigger, and none of the likable characters (Squall spends 3/4 of the game acting like a jerk, and I personally had the overwhelming desire to smack both Selphie and Irving)
    • I just say that the final fantasy series has a tradition of good story, good characters, and a villain you can really hate, and ff8 has none of those
    • I had fun with this one, the story is a classical final fantasy (although the pacing is a bit fast)and the characters are memorable
    • As for Squall himself, I had a lot of trouble liking him at first, but the more you play through the game, the more his character gradually evolves into a more likable character
    • PS1 graphics, the character and monster modeling was really good
    • I will love this game when I'm 80.The story in this game will stay with you for decades, the scenery is beautiful, the characters are memorable, the ending is the best in video game history, and there is a certain aura about things that is just magical in itself
    • Terra and Aeris are good examples of female leads who should never be mentioned in the same breath as Rinoa out of respect for their well-designed characters and stories
    • Square decided to ditch super deformed characters, and instead created characters that looked extremely life-like (for the PS1)
    • The characters in FF8 are fresh and new, and the main character, Squall is kind of like Cloud with that
    • The characters were perfect
    • Even though FINAL FANTASY VIII has flaws with inconsistencies and holes in its plot, I still found the story to be highly compelling, the dynamic of the romance intriguing, the characters likable and engaging, and the gameplay to be unique and intricately fun
    • Aside from her, I really enjoyed the characters of this game
    • It is only through his dropping of petty inhibitions and learning of trust, coming to terms with his past, and true comraderie that he is able to bloom as a character with humanity
    • THe rest of the characters, Selphie, an even stupider teenager ripoff, Irvine Kinneas, the only good, realistic character in the entire game, Zell, some stupid fighter with a terrible temper, Quistis, a fair character with a realistic attitude, Laguna, (I don't even know much about him,) Kiros, some guy with kitchen knives attached to his hands, and Wade, a fat guy with a spear
    • FFVIII still has an awsome story,and more,it has the coolest music ever,best CGs of any game,realistic character design (greatly unlike VII and IX) and the best love story of any FF game
    • I have to say my favorite female character is Selifie because she is very energetic like me, and smiles a lot like me... and clumsy like me!
    • The actual battles are almost the same as FF7 except limit breaks can be used only when a character is near death or when he or she uses an Aura spell, whereas in FF7 they were charged as the character takes damage.
    • From the incredible CG graphics and intuitive gameplay to the wonderful story and endearing characters, it is a thoroughly captivating masterpiece of modern video game design
    • Remove the incredible graphics and CGI sequences and you will end up with a game with annoying, irritating, angst riddened characters, a head lulling storyline, a flawed, confusing, and frustrating Draw & Junction system, and none of the charm that made the SNES Final Fantasy games good
    • The characters were fun and fit great with the story
    • Sure, the graphics are great but the characters make me sick and the plot seems like it came right from a Baby Sitter's Club Book
    • These bars pause in their progress when characters attack or enemies attack.
    • It has great characters and awsome weapons to choose from
    • The story was engrossing, the characters well-defined, and the gameplay, which comprised of the original Junction System, though complicated when you're first starting out, is great, once you understand it
    • THe rest of the characters, Selphie, an even stupider teenager ripoff, Irvine Kinneas, the only good, realistic character in the entire game, Zell, some stupid fighter with a terrible temper, Quistis, a fair character with a realistic attitude, Laguna, (I don't even know much about him,) Kiros, some guy with kitchen knives attached to his hands, and Wade, a fat guy with a spear
    • Squall's character is too gloomy
    • For those gamers who, like me, need to like a character in order to fully appreciate the game's plot, let me say this
    • These characters are realistic and have the ability to pull gamers into their story
    • Besides the horrible characters, this was possibly the WORST part of the game for me.
    • Also Squall and Rinoa are the 2 best characters of the FF series, there are also countless numbers of music videos dedicated to them (their love actually
    • Enemies get stronger as your characters get stronger rather than certain areas containing different level enemies.
    • It's great battles, memorable characters, and a deep mature storyline makes it my favorite Final Fantasy, if not favorite game
    • Basically, characters have status bars that fill as a battle progresses; when they are full, the character can attack.
    • The graphics are great for the PSX (PSone for you noobs), the story is a little weak, the characters are worthwhile and the sheer amount of things to do in the game is great.
    • Though he's initially far less charismatic and appealing than Cloud, his immediate predecessor, Squall is a tremendously complex, well-rounded lead character with an established psychological excuse for his aggrivatingly anti-social nature
    • The characters are believable and easy to relate to, the graphics, while somewhat dismal on the world wap, are quite excellent once you go into certain areas like Balamb garden or the Shumi Village
    • I admired the more realistic and correctly-proportioned characters in the game, but disliked the final battles and the preparations needed to have some chance at the final conflict
    • The characters in the game not just the playable ones but all of them seem to have no life to them, its just boring how the characters are so dull, I just cant explain it.4
    • Some people say that it was too futuristic, but I think that it was a great plot, with nice characters and destructive guardian forces.
    • Final Fantasy 8 is everything you want in a game, beautiful graphics, interesting storyline, well-developed characters, and visible improvements with training
    • Overall, while the characters have their individual flaws, I found them to be unique, well developed, and I was always invested in their endeavors
    • Unlike the other Final Fantasy games that you've probably played, these characters look like real people instead of some messed up things.
    • The poor character development just slaps me in the face every time I play this game
    • Squall is a fun main character, mainly because he's such a withdrawn character that he rarely seems to desire to be the center of attention and the leader of everyone, even while he's clearly brilliant at it.
    • Squall is a fun main character, mainly because he's such a withdrawn character that he rarely seems to desire to be the center of attention and the leader of everyone, even while he's clearly brilliant at it.
    • Because RPG's focus on story and character development, you often find yourself playing for long periods of time always wanting to know what happens next or going around fighting nonessential battles in order to progress your character's attributes (usually known as leveling up).
    • Not that viii has any lack of shock and awe in terms of character and plot revelations and coincidences (ahh, fate)
    • Because it allows you to customize your character very well with different GF abilities
    • The story line revolves around the same old same old, but it has its twist and turns and one of the best features of the new story line is that you can travel back in time and play as Laguna, who you'll find out later is a significant character to Squalls past
    • Other than that, the plot is fantastic!!!I'm not gonna say to much other than that you play as Squall Leonhart, who is the BEST character ever!
    • FF7, Xenogears, and Lunar had very believable characters that were complex as well, and if you want a love story these three games top
    • the main character, Squall, is one of the most complex video game characters I have ever seen
    • best i have ever encountered.-in-depth, multi-faceted and engaging characters-gorgeous pre-rendered cutscene and background graphics-ridiculously long-combination of love story and saving the world, a final fantasy masterpiece that has yet to be recreated
    • Squall for me was a realistic character
    • Granted there will be times you will feel the need to let loose the destructive power of Bahamut or Doomtrain but at later points in the game your characters can become so strong that it would be a waste of time to summon
    • It has some of the most realistic-looking characters ever seen in video games (at the time of its release), but they still act like two-dimensional cutouts
    • While good in many, many areas, some of it seems rather drained or slowpaced, but the game makes up for it in it's graphical department and beautiful characters
    • You have many options to do in a battle: you may attack, extract magic from an enemy(or use some), revive a KO'd character (you can controll up to 3),recover any lost HP, or even transform an enemy into a green Zombie!, or more
    • You can dicede wether you want a powerful charcter who causes tons of damage, or a speedy character who dodges most enemy skills
    • the same old (hint on OLD) characters that have ALWAYS appeared in FF titles, the plot to be the same, and the characters to all be dragoons or black mages
    • As a result the characters look horrible
    • while it's true, it's not as good as
    • This is a truly wonderful, all-consuming gaming experience, and I can only hope that, once I finish, I'll find Final Fantasy VII and IX to be just as engrossing.
    • I respect theirs as I expect mine will be
    • The entire game was well done and well planned, and by far one of my favorites, in the FF series, as well as in RPGs
    • I whole heartedly recommend it to fans of the Final Fantasy series, as well as those looking for a nice change of pace within the RPG genre.
    • well as he put it himself; "of the hook".
    • Starts off great, leaving you wanting more, but only deteriorates as it moves on to the third and fourth discs.- The Junction System
    • Soon they all are thrown into a mission to assassinate a
    • Anyways, I love this game as it provides a new and rich feel to the Final Fantasy Franchise
    • while it's true, it's not as good as
    • This is a truly wonderful, all-consuming gaming experience, and I can only hope that, once I finish, I'll find Final Fantasy VII and IX to be just as engrossing.
    • I respect theirs as I expect mine will be
    • The entire game was well done and well planned, and by far one of my favorites, in the FF series, as well as in RPGs
    • I whole heartedly recommend it to fans of the Final Fantasy series, as well as those looking for a nice change of pace within the RPG genre.
    • well as he put it himself; "of the hook".
    • Starts off great, leaving you wanting more, but only deteriorates as it moves on to the third and fourth discs.- The Junction System
    • Soon they all are thrown into a mission to assassinate a
    • Anyways, I love this game as it provides a new and rich feel to the Final Fantasy Franchise