• Reviews around fan (2.63 of 5)

    Final Fantasy VIII

    • I would recommend finding either an official strategy guide or a well done fan made version if you want to find all the hidden items and side quests as these are quite useful and fun to find to boot
    • She didn't really have a prominent personality, and I thought that if she suddenly fell into the path of an oncoming train, fans may not have cared
    • I have been an avid FF fan since they came out on the NES way back in the day
    • After all, despite their masterpiece qualities; they are, after all, designed to entertain fans of a certain Genre.
    • I'm a die-hard FF fan who went into it not caring how it would turn out, and even then I was disapointed
    • Well, Im a huge fan of Final Fantasy Series, I actually own Super Nintendo's Final Fantasy Mystic Quest
    • If you are a die-hard FF fan, then you probably already own this
    • If you are a die-hard, hardcore FInal Fantasy Fan, the you probobly got this, but if you want to start playing the saga, for god's sake start with Final Fantasy VII.
    • Sorry Squall fans, but this guy just rubbed me the wrong way.
    • If you're a die-hard Final Fantasy fan, I suggest you pick up Final Fantasy VIII.
    • You gonna find several people that might not be satisfied with this game, but if ya not a Square Soft fan get something else, mmkay?
    • I would definetely recommend this game to anyone whos a dire fan of Final Fantasy or looking to complete a set
    • This game combines a new battle system with stunning graphics to make it a must buy, while some die-hard ffvii fans will be dissapointed, it will mainly be because it is different, not better or worse, just different.
    • I believe FFVIII to be a true masterpiece, and I recommend it to all gamers, with the exception of bitter and closed-minded "old skool ff fans".
    • If you are an odd FF fan, try to borrow a copy from a friend.
    • Because of this, many fans were disappointed with what they were given with VIII, feeling that it did not meet their expectations
    • Well, I don't know if I'm considered a DEVOUT fan--I've only played IV (part 2 for US), VI (part 3 for US), and the beginning of
    • On the subject of the characters, fans are extremely hit-or-miss when it comes to the cast of FINAL FANTASY VIII
    • Indeed, any company who is lucky enough to employ a Final Fantasy game designer or artist, such as Kartia: The Word of Fate or the recently released Blue Dragon of the xbox 360, is very quick to publicize their acquisition in an attempt to gain the respect of hopeful RPG fans.
    • Good for a avid fan, you might as well play it to waste and few good 20-80 hours of your life.
    • Sometimes accused of being "masochistic" or "mindless" Squaresoft fans, the truth of the matter is that over the course of many years and many games, we have seen Squaresoft time and time again show that they simply tower above the competing videogame developers
    • while it's true, it's not as good as
    • This is a truly wonderful, all-consuming gaming experience, and I can only hope that, once I finish, I'll find Final Fantasy VII and IX to be just as engrossing.
    • I respect theirs as I expect mine will be
    • The entire game was well done and well planned, and by far one of my favorites, in the FF series, as well as in RPGs
    • I whole heartedly recommend it to fans of the Final Fantasy series, as well as those looking for a nice change of pace within the RPG genre.
    • well as he put it himself; "of the hook".
    • Starts off great, leaving you wanting more, but only deteriorates as it moves on to the third and fourth discs.- The Junction System
    • Soon they all are thrown into a mission to assassinate a
    • Anyways, I love this game as it provides a new and rich feel to the Final Fantasy Franchise