• Reviews around ff8 (3.63 of 5)

    Final Fantasy VIII

    • Now i love FF8, but to me it lacks the Fantasy feel, there is way too
    • FF8 is definitely fun...very addicting game play
    • Newer RPGers seem to like FF8.
    • FF8 is a complete masterpiece
    • If you liked other FF games, you'll probably enjoy FF8 to some extent
    • However, once you take the time to learn FF8 its well worth it
    • I liked FF8's story
    • I usually hate games where you have to run around a lot and get into 4534 battles every two minutes, but FF8 is definitely worth playing
    • But by any method you choose, FF8 is a very easy game, though the standard plot convolutions guarantee 30+ hours of playtime
    • From the incredible intro movie to romantic rap-up after the credits, FF8 is an incredible experience.
    • Also, despite the general consensus that FF7 was better, I have played both and personally prefer FF8 significantly
    • A lot of people say its FF7, but wow, I thought FF8 was a huge improvement
    • FF8 was amazing graphic-wise, and it opened the door for a few new ideas such as the card game which was included, and the pocket station edition to it
    • There are many factors that make FF8 a great game
    • ff8 has a wide variety of music that has always fitted in with the situation
    • Such as car rentals, salaries, tests of knowledge, mini-quests, gorgeous FMV, great characters, a well-crafted story line and the mighty Moombas!Now, whether you like FF8 or not is your personal opinion
    • FF8 was a risk worth taking, and a risk that succeeds
    • FF8 is easy to play, and easy to incooperate
    • but I enjoyed FF8 10 times as much
    • Although somewhat ruined by the story of FF7, FF8's hero does have dynamism and personality, and the ability to read the hero's thoughts is a great enhancement to the game's storytelling
    • Give FF8 a shot as a favor to yourself for the gamers who feel like it is a definite miss.
    • I may be really set against FF7 being remade(as mentioned in my review for it), but FF8 would really benefit from it, since they had already significantly progressed graphically from FF7 to be more realistic(perspective-wise and being less Lego-like than the FF7 character graphics)
    • : FF8 is worth a try
    • FF8 is by far the worst of the Final Fantasy games, to the point of me wishing I'd never bought it, and just skipped to 9, which made everything all better
    • no matter how many people say ff7 is better, ff8 enthralled me the entire 4 disks
    • I own final fantasy 1,2,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,10-2,and tactics and i have to say that FF8 is my favorite one because i love the stroy(dont know why others hate
    • FF8 takes a stab at a rather unique combat system, which is great, but the problem is it doesn't work very well
    • In an RPG, story is paramount, and this is precisely where FF8 is lacking
    • FF8 is lame, repetitive, and just plain horrible
    • FF8 is definitely better than some people have given it credit for.
    • Lunar:SSSC is another great game that topples FF8 as well.
    • FF8 is just so remarkable for the gaming industry.
    • With the release of Kingdom Hearts 2 and the reappearance of some great old FF8 characters, I think this is a game that everyone should go back and pick up- especially as inexpensive as it is now.
    • You'll find that most people who hate FF8 like FF7
    • If you're a [real] FF fan, and played FF8 and didn't like it, I urge you to give it a second chance
    • Well every one criticized FF8 for its story
    • You'll find that most people who hate FF8 like FF7
    • its the best out of all the final fantasies, its so interesting, cool, scary, funny, beautiful, fun, and everything an awsome storyline needs like ff8's storyline, the gameplay was wonderful, and so was the battle
    • FF8 is probably my favorite in the series.
    • Instead of waiting for a bar to fill up or something similar, the only requirement for FF8 to use a limit break is to have low life
    • Lunar:SSSC is another great game that topples FF8 as well.
    • If you are an avid RPG player with little or a lot of background, FF8 will definitely impress
    • As a fan of final fantasy an ff8 being my favorite yes, being a general consumer and not receiving a brand new product no
    • It seems that Square came up with this story in a matter of seconds and figured, hey if people liked 7 they'll like 8...think again.
    • To start this off let me say I seem to be one of the few that enjoy this version as well as the others because it seems that if you like 7 you can't like 8 or the other way around.
    • Triple Triad is pretty darn cool and probably one of the best features of FF8.I really like FF6, and I'm definitely not a fan boy of 7, which is probably why I like 8.