• Reviews around graphic (4.04 of 5)

    Final Fantasy VIII

    • the graphics are just fantastic.
    • In Final Fantasy 8, this is a very long and drawn out process which takes up much of the first quarter of the first game disc(It does have game play durring this long drudge so hang in there).Game play is good, seems to have good control as well as smooth graphics, but I agree with the editor that the battles are quite frequent and sometimes sinister
    • Those graphics on the other hand, are amazing
    • At the time, some of the best graphics around
    • The graphics, for the time of good ol' 1999, are amazing.
    • The story is great, the graphics a knock out, but when it comes to customizing your characters, things can get very tough.
    • This game thrives through stunning graphics, awesome music, never-before-seen-summons-not-to-be-seen-again, and location design.
    • i remember when ff8 came out in 99 it had one of the best graphics in videogame history
    • While the graphics are incredible, the music good, and the story - on the surface - interesting, the game suffers from a few weak points
    • The graphics are great and the card game is really fun but the meat of the game, the battles, are way too long and boring.
    • The graphics are incredible if you compare them to other Playstation games, and the game boasts numerous very realistic videos that both gives the player continued interest in the story throughout the game and a life-like view of the characters and paticular events in the game.
    • Like all Final Fantasy game the graphics were amazing as was the gameplay.
    • This game was produced in 1999, and for its opening and closing cutscenes to tear apart their modern contemporaries more than a half decade later should say more than a few things about how awe-inspiring these graphics truly are
    • The visuals, soundtrack and storyline are pretty emotionally cohesive, though all of those have their problems.- Improved graphics over FF7, but whatever.- The card game, though that was kind of a mixed bag for me.
    • Great graphics considering the gaming console generation it was made on
    • The graphics for the cutscenes are also quite amazing, especially compared to FFVII, which came right before it
    • The game had probably the greatest graphics out on the playstation
    • To put it simply, the graphics are mind-blowing.
    • The graphics are great
    • Let me start by saying that the graphics for this game are the BEST you'll find out there for the Playstation game console; the cutscenes almost seem real.
    • When I played this game there were no good graphics the game had NO STORYLINE AT ALL
    • When I bought this game, I was overjoyed at how much fun it was, and how incredible the graphics were
    • It was fun but the graphics weren't very good
    • It has good graphics and a good , but hard to see story- line
    • However, with modern graphics the throwback can be a bit
    • The backround scenery are "super graphics" which are very great graphics.
    • The graphics are very good for the psx
    • The graphics, though great as always, have a more realistic tone in this game and dont have the cartoonish style of previous FF games
    • They discovered the FF series with FFI or IV or VI, and to them, THAT is what an FF game has to be... when an FF game moves away from the earlier style and sensibility of the series (2D 8 or 16 bit graphics, ultra-lighthearted script, a story even a five year old with down syndrome could grasp), they scream bloody murder and "WORST FF GAME EVER
    • However, despite having poorer graphics than FF X, and being that there is no voice acting in this title when there should have been, at least for the FMVs, its easy to avoid going back to this title for those who have yet to play it
    • The gameplay is really good along eith the controls and the graphics are almost as good as it gets for the playstation
    • I held the glowing package in my hands, looked at the back of the cover and drooled over the beautiful graphics, and in my head I could imagine the enchanting score that my ears would soon be treated to
    • The cinemas - heck, all the graphics - are peerless, and they are far superior to FF VII
    • the graphics are great
    • I think that it started out as a great game, good gameplay, excellent graphics, mesmerizing music and a decent plot.
    • Decent graphics, and an excellent storyline
    • However, I remember when FF8 came out; I spent many many hours just amazed at the outstanding graphics and integration with an active background.
    • Some say that the beautiful graphics get annoying after the 500th time (I agree, although in the case of GFs, Square tried to counter this by adding the boost system, which requires you to actually pay attention during a summon sequence).
    • However, the graphics are VERY good
    • Stiffly animated, bland graphics
    • Its Graphic is the super-beautiful at that time
    • The graphics are stunning on this game
    • The graphics on this game are great
    • My first experience with the Final Fantasy series was FF7.I didn't think they could top that excellent game,but they did!Final Fantasy VIII has everything an RPG should have,An excellent storyline,wonderful characters you can come to love,and(although the least important)great graphics
    • The cut scenes look great, add depth to the story, complement the in-game graphics, and resemble an actual film
    • I will admit that the graphics of 8 are far much better than 7
    • The graphics of course are a little better but the main thing that I didn't like is that the villan with the blond hair (can't remember his name)was nowhere near what Sephiroth was, not even close
    • It was a big, BIG step up from the blocky, super deformed graphics of FFVII
    • It offers amazing gameplay, huge sidequests, great graphics, a cast of interesting deep intertwined characters and alot of optional material
    • The graphics were great in 1999 and have lasted pretty well for the most part
    • This Role Playing Game like no other can only be made greater when played on the new Playstation 2 where its graphics will become even more crisp and clear
    • I give the game credit it does have awesome graphics, but get a real battle system (Xenogears or Star Ocean 2nd Story) and get a game that is fun to play and intriging at the same time.
    • The graphics are great, the characters actually look like people now
    • The graphics are the best I've ever seen on the PSX format
    • The graphics were also pretty good for a PS1 game
    • On the upside, it is still a good game with great graphics, and some incredibly cool moments
    • there has yet to be an FF game to top this one, the graphics were great for the time and i really enjoyed the realism they attempted with the character design, granted each character does follow their choosen archetype a little too
    • The graphics are worse than the last game, and you can barely see the figures
    • The only thing that I didn't like about the oh-so-wonderful graphics, were the models of the characters in the actual gameplay
    • During the "epic battle" sequences, the graphics are also very good
    • The graphics could have been better but they were much better than FF7 though but the movie graphics are very good though
    • The graphics far exceed what i was expecting for a regular playstation
    • For one thing a great story, great charicters, cool battle system, drama, comedy, and greatness, cool graphics, and overall a great game!
    • this game has the best graphics on a psone ever
    • The graphics are simply breathtaking
    • The FMV scenes are superior to every other graphics i have EVER seen in my entire life-span (yes including ps2 graphics), and even during gameplay the graphics are superior (during gameplay they are worse than ps2 graphics i might add), and the only flaw in them is the pixelations, as the characters look a bit fuzzy
    • The graphics and FMVs (especially the intro!) are outstanding and the storyline is engrossing, intricate and complex
    • It combines unique gameplay, very good "world" graphics, and mind blowing FMV to create a compelling and epic story.
    • The graphics have been greatly improved.
    • The thing I liked about it was the amazing story that really keeps you on your toes till the end, the good graphics and the easy-to-undertand materia system
    • The graphics are great, the story superb, and there are characters that you actually wish they are real!!
    • )FFVIII has amazing graphics and a very creative story
    • The cinemas - heck, all the graphics - are peerless, and they are far superior to FF VII
    • But for great graphics and truly awesome characters, buy Final Fantasy 8.
    • Let me first start out by saying that the game has great graphics and looks phenominal, some of the best you will see on the playstation
    • It has good graphics and a good , but hard to see story- line
    • the graphics and movies in FFVIII is a lot better than that of FFVII.
    • All in the trade off for shinier and shinier graphics
    • RPG's, Final Fantasy, terrific graphics for the 1990's or well designed characters.
    • The story took quite a few exciting twists and turns throughout, and I became rather attached to most of the characters ^^; The FMV graphics are still topnotch by Playstation standards, as well as standards that are present on almost any other console today
    • That would make the juice pretty sweet since the graphics are quite amazing, the CG art is more realistic (more human-like instead of cartoonish), and the battle system and Junction System are quite innovated yet annoying sometimes.
    • " I could care less about movies and great graphics which is basically all FF8 is
    • I do admit that FFVII had the best story-line and FFIX in my opinion had the best battle-system (aside from the fact that the characters could have used more offensive abilities), and FFX did improve a lot by having the best graphics, everything else including music,map design, characters,most kick--- CGs,and the best emotion (like when Rinoa was lost in space)
    • This game has the best story and realistic graphics and is the most challenging and unique
    • What I must say, must say is that Final Fantasy series does separate itself from rest of RPGs out there with the excellent graphic, skillfully done music score, and last but not least, story line
    • It's been a long time, and the graphics (at least for PSOne) are awesome, and the storyline is still enthralling.
    • I strongly reccomend this game to any FF fan because this game offers nice graphics, a deep storyline filled with: love, hate, betrayal, and pretty cool combat moves
    • The graphics in this game are both good and bad
    • i like (Irvine, Quistis, Squall (Who i'm half and half on, after the first disc he becomes a much better character)Anyway, just to go over some aspects of the gamePROS:-A game on the playstation that finally has some decent graphics, this game looks good and the GF animations are incredible the first few times you watch them -Really good movie clips, the FMA is well done and clearly toiled over -Simple game play, long time gamers and new gamers can get into
    • The graphics are good
    • When I am usually able to put up with bad graphics, or cumbersome controls, I just could not put up with the story or the characters in this game
    • The graphics are good the game play is great.
    • This game thrives through stunning graphics, awesome music, never-before-seen-summons-not-to-be-seen-again, and location design.
    • beautiful graphics, sequences, and gfs
    • The graphics are pretty bad and certain enemies can use instant kill attacks the first turn, meaning there's nothing you could've done to avoid it
    • This Episode of Final Fantasy has amazing graphics for the time and even for some games coming out in this day and age.
    • Well, first of all, the graphics are great, considering this is playstation, but squaresoft shouldn't have made the characters so elaborately designed
    • The CG cinemas are amazing and will never be called bad graphics from here to whenever
    • It was a big, BIG step up from the blocky, super deformed graphics of FFVII
    • Great graphics and a simple system for the casual, but depth for the hardcore.
    • The graphics was great and looking better than Final Fantasy 7
    • The graphics are great for the time in which it was released, and the FMV sequences give it a nice touch
    • Breathtaking graphics, it is hard to imagine the ps1 could handle such images as this game produces
    • a 8--the graphics, 7 out of 10--characters, 8.5 out of 10, difficulty, 7.5, gameplay, 9, and overall satisfication and entertaiment--10 out of 10.This game will grip you and won't let go
    • The graphics are great, the characters are well developed, and most importantly, the story is great
    • The way Square made each character's behaviour was enough to make me love the game, though the graphics weren't my favorite
    • The Spirits Within, I think they concentrated too much on creating good graphics instead of spending most of their time on the plot.
    • dont even bother going through the stress of completing these questsa ridiculous thing they did in this game is that the characters level up with you, so you can finish the game at level 8 or so (as leveling up is not necessary and bosses give you NO experience points{I completed it at level 7 or 8})GRAPHICS 9.5/10The best part of the game, the graphics
    • The graphics are extraordinary, with stirring music and a fantastic storyline.
    • The characters are believable and easy to relate to, the graphics, while somewhat dismal on the world wap, are quite excellent once you go into certain areas like Balamb garden or the Shumi Village
    • But the graphics are so incredibly good when you fight monsters
    • I think that it started out as a great game, good gameplay, excellent graphics, mesmerizing music and a decent plot.
    • The graphics aren't bad either
    • Game has a great (if somewhat confusing) storyline, great graphics, and mostly interesting/intriguing characters.
    • Lovely music, graphics, and story, high on imagination and romance.
    • I couldn't believe that this game was producing such detailed and amazing graphics
    • The graphics aren't bad, and the graphics in the FMVs are great, better than any I've seen.
    • The graphics were the pinnacle of Playstation graphics, and the sound track remains arguably the best of the franchise
    • Sure, the graphics are great but the characters make me sick and the plot seems like it came right from a Baby Sitter's Club Book
    • Evil both were made and they had great graphics.
    • Final Fantasy VIII brings together a great cast of characters, a great story/plot, and some of the best graphics on a playstation game
    • Remove the incredible graphics and CGI sequences and you will end up with a game with annoying, irritating, angst riddened characters, a head lulling storyline, a flawed, confusing, and frustrating Draw & Junction system, and none of the charm that made the SNES Final Fantasy games good
    • along with ff10, final fantasy 8 has some of the most amazing graphics out of any of the ffs
    • General-RPG fans will enjoy the inventive magic system (junctioning is one of the best ideas i've seen in a long time), the beautiful CGI FMV, and the stunning magic graphics.
    • Due to my short attenton span i would rather watch while my brother plays and see the wonderful graphics.
    • The graphics aren't wonderful, but it is worth it to get this game, anyways
    • The graphics aren't bad, and the graphics in the FMVs are great, better than any I've seen.
    • Final Fantasy8 has great little mini movies and great graphics.
    • Game has a great (if somewhat confusing) storyline, great graphics, and mostly interesting/intriguing characters.
    • The graphics are good for its time, and the customizing system (Junctioning) is really innovative and simple to use.
    • cool*The summons looked nice (and they made the battle faster)*Just the right amount of instructions were given*The graphic (for it's type of game[ps1]) were really good
    • The graphics are great for the PSX (PSone for you noobs), the story is a little weak, the characters are worthwhile and the sheer amount of things to do in the game is great.
    • The characters are believable and easy to relate to, the graphics, while somewhat dismal on the world wap, are quite excellent once you go into certain areas like Balamb garden or the Shumi Village
    • In had a very unique concept of involving schools in the plot, the outstanding graphics and allowing "summons" called GF's to fight along with you
    • It has great graphics, even if it was a ps2 game
    • The graphics, of course, are simply amazing (this is from SquareSoft, after all!), and I loved the music.
    • Final Fantasy 8 is everything you want in a game, beautiful graphics, interesting storyline, well-developed characters, and visible improvements with training
    • Though the graphics might seem a bit bad, there is many movies throughout the game that you can see the character's faces clearly
    • The graphics are da bomb, the characters are great & have their own style
    • The graphics are pretty good, especially in the cut scenes.
    • Consider it's a ps one game, the graphics don't look that great (after playing PS3 for a year that is)
    • The graphics are great and the movies are so beautiful especially when Squall first meets Rinoa at the party
    • They had great graphics and sound, but no gameplay or replay value.
    • I popped it in and was amazed by the beautiful graphics and music in the opening scene
    • VERY exicting with the best graphics around for a 32 bit playstation, the player enjoys seeing them and the cgs get better and longer later in the game which coaxes the player to want 2 play more so that they can see more cgs
    • First off, lets not get too much into the graphics, it's a PS 1 game, so that should tell you the graphics are not the best, but they could be a lot worse.
    • while it's true, it's not as good as
    • This is a truly wonderful, all-consuming gaming experience, and I can only hope that, once I finish, I'll find Final Fantasy VII and IX to be just as engrossing.
    • I respect theirs as I expect mine will be
    • The entire game was well done and well planned, and by far one of my favorites, in the FF series, as well as in RPGs
    • I whole heartedly recommend it to fans of the Final Fantasy series, as well as those looking for a nice change of pace within the RPG genre.
    • well as he put it himself; "of the hook".
    • Starts off great, leaving you wanting more, but only deteriorates as it moves on to the third and fourth discs.- The Junction System
    • Soon they all are thrown into a mission to assassinate a
    • Anyways, I love this game as it provides a new and rich feel to the Final Fantasy Franchise
    • The characters are great i like Selphie and Irvine the best
    • maybe if square had released this game under a different title not final fantasy 8 i woulnt have been disappointed
    • I enjoy this game a lot, but not as much as I like Final Fantasy 7