• Reviews around sorceress (1.53 of 5)

    Final Fantasy VIII

    • You play as Squall Leonhart as he and his friends try to save the world from an evil sorceress who has bewitched your rival.
    • This game features Squall , a lone wolf, that becomes a Seed from Balamb Garden (This garden educates people and trains them so that they can fight evil sorceresses
    • The rest of the characters were interesting in many ways in their own respect: Quistis struggling to maintain her professionalism as well as sorting out her feelings about some of the others; Zell and his need to be approved of (which many teenagers can relate to); Selphie, who plays the upbeat and loveable character (Yuffie and Rikku anyone?) who can be disturbingly violent (and scary) at times; Irvine, the cocky and flirtatious sharpshooter who has problems with pressure (another imperfect character that is easy to relate to); Edea (in my opinion, on the the most wonderful villains in the series), an evil sorceress that brings a mysticism that is hard to put a label on and that I feel too many villains lack; And Seifer, a rival that is exactly similar and opposite to Squall himself in personality and even appearance
    • Magical evil sorceresses, time travel, love, comedy, military cadets, what more could you want?Final Fantasy VIII is a great game that everyone should play
    • Evil sorceress threatens the world
    • This game is about a mercenary who joins an underground resistance group to defeat an evil sorceress
    • They are warriors for the nation of Garden, who do not like the Sorceress
    • When an evil sorceress gains the trust of President Deling and the people of Galbadia, Squall along with fellow SeeDs the perky Selphie Tilmitt, the loudmouthed Zell Dincht, the ladies' man Irvine, and the recently fired 18 year old instructer Quistis Trepe set out to assasinate her.
    • The plot starts to make less and less sense as you go along, until it sinks altogether, amid talks of "time compression" and evil future sorceresses or some other pointless junk
    • Through many twists in the story, they end up in a quest to destroy a sorceress from the future who threatens to compress all time to dominate the universe
    • Eventually he falls in love with a member of resistance and is intent on getting her life back after it is taken by an evil sorceress in the future
    • At first you may think this is your typical 'boy meets girl, boy saves girl from big evil sorceress, boy falls in love with girl' but it's really a lot more complicated than that
    • But amongst all of this, the group soon discovers that the Galibandian dictator plans to wage war on the rest of the world, and has affiliated himself with an evil sorceress known as Edea
    • When an evil sorceress gains the trust of President Deling and the people of Galbadia, Squall along with fellow SeeDs the perky Selphie Tilmitt, the loudmouthed Zell Dincht, the ladies' man Irvine, and the recently fired 18 year old instructer Quistis Trepe set out to assasinate her.
    • It's a complex tale of Squall Leonhart and his friends, a group of military officers who joined a rebel group and are trying to defeat the evil Sorceress Edea
    • Another charcter who joins you for a while is Edea, a beautiful sorceress who was pocessed by Ultimecia
    • This game is about a mercenary who joins an underground resistance group to defeat an evil sorceress
    • Anyway, the main points of the story revolve around overcoming the Galbadian military, assassinating the sorceress, Gardens flying and warring, and so on
    • **SPOILER**rinoa and squall kiss at the ending**END SPOILER**which really isnt all that loveable in my opinion.similar to final fantasy VII, the setting is in the future (irritating downside, as insanely advanced technology is not that fantasy-like), but this is a mediocre downside of the gameThe story goes pretty much like this: an evil sorceress is on the verge of enslavement of the world and a resistance to defeat this woman called Garden trains military soldiers called SeeDs to battle against her and her troops
    • Magical evil sorceresses, time travel, love, comedy, military cadets, what more could you want?Final Fantasy VIII is a great game that everyone should play
    • Squall and Rinoa, along with 4 others, will eventually get caught up in a story involving space travel, a powerful sorceress and a trip through time
    • Rinoa should have become a sorceress very early on instead of at the end, and gained maturity and depth as she struggled to learn and harness her powers.
    • Unfortunately, his talent quickly pushes him to the front and he is forced to lead his compatriots, SeeD (and one young love interest that's part of a rebel alliance to restore freedom), to destroy the sorceress(es).
    • Aside from the pot holed love plot there is the main plot which is fighting an evil sorceress Edea, who is actually pretty hot herself
    • The final foe you go up against is Sorceress Ultimecia, a cruel and vastly powerful foe from the distant future who seeks to achieve Time Compression for incomprehensible reasons only she knows
    • The story is relatively mundane: evil sorceress turns out to not be all that bad, but another evil sorceress is actually evil.
    • In essence, the plot revolves around a sword carrying fighter who has to do epic battle with an evil sorceress.
    • your not into the the whole SeeD idea.. which is a orginazation in which they kill the sorceress' who threaten the
    • The story follows Squall, Zell, and Selphie, three characters who just graduated the SeeD program at Balamb Garden, Quistis Trepe an instructor at Balamb, and Irvine a sharp shooter who can't stop hitting on girls, in their quest against the evil sorceress Edea and Seifer, who graduated the SeeD program and turned against garden
    • The backstory involving wacky Laguna and his pals kept me interested for a while, as did the evil sorceress Edea, who seemed like a pretty cool villain.