• Reviews around squall (2.60 of 5)

    Final Fantasy VIII

    • Squall is the loner with a hidden strength; Selphie is a happy-go-lucky flower child; Rinoa is a strong and determined fighter; Irvine is a jokester; Quistis is serious and calculated; and Zell never shuts up
    • Really hate Squall
    • I also really liked Squall's rival Seifer, who started out as the bully at Balamb, but eventually joins the sorceress in order to achieve his personal dreams
    • I think many people didn't like Squall because they knew someone like him in real life
    • The game centers mostly around Squall Leonhart, the shining star of Balamb Garden, who is often characterized as a lone wolf who has difficulty expressing himself to others, but it's much easier and a lot more accurate to just say Squall's an enormous jerk
    • u'll be proud of urself if u manage to beat Ultimecia four stages in less than 20 min... big advice dont use ur GF in combat, only in the beginning, they'll never become as strong as squall
    • I came to love Squall and Riona, and of course hate Seifer
    • like I was Squall, and I was falling in love with
    • Who doesn't love Squall
    • People attacked Squall for being boring and Rinoa for being
    • My other problem with the character development is Squall and Rinoa's love story.
    • however, the adversary intervention is so low, there is almost no point in beating the game, i mean, Seifer, Squall's #1 rival, is more of the bad guy because he continously pops up, and even then, the final boss posseses other characters, such as Rinoa(bah
    • There's none of the romance of VII, where you really felt like the characters were pawns in something bigger, and none of the likable characters (Squall spends 3/4 of the game acting like a jerk, and I personally had the overwhelming desire to smack both Selphie and Irving)
    • I thought that Squall displayed many human fears and emontions.
    • No squall didnt die and dream the rest!
    • The characters are terrible (ESPECIALLY Squall) and I didn't find myself caring who lived or died.
    • I respectfully disagree however, as while Squall admitting to him loving Rinoa does come rather abruptly, his cold demeanor gradually wanes the more he interacts with Rinoa, making his feelings for her believable
    • The characters in FF8 are fresh and new, and the main character, Squall is kind of like Cloud with that
    • Yeah, Squall was a bid moody, but that made him more human and more believable to me.
    • Squall and Rinoa never truly have a bond in the game, but Squall falls madly in love with her
    • , i mean really the opening and ending movie were amazing, and the storyline was even better then ff7's and squall is much hotter, cuter, and stronger then Cloud, Zidane, or tidus
    • Squall didn't speak like such a pussy
    • Squall also has a rival in Seifer to serve as a foil (a character with an opposite personality that highlights another character’s traits)
    • Squall's ultimate rival, Seifer Almasy, accompanies them on the exam as well.
    • This is a story charged with human emotion, from Squall's frustration and uncertainty, to the absolute hatred of the sorceress, to the all -encomassing love shared between Squall and Rinoa
    • Squall being well
    • The realistic approach works well within the storyline, and aims to have the player relate to the characters, particularly Squall's inner life
    • Over the course of the game, Squall periodically falls into a dream-like state in which he experiences the world through the eyes of a stranger
    • Sorry Squall fans, but this guy just rubbed me the wrong way.
    • ESPECIALLY when the team came together to push Squall to "love" Rinoa
    • Squall has all the personality problems then Cloud (FFVII) for god's sake
    • , i mean really the opening and ending movie were amazing, and the storyline was even better then ff7's and squall is much hotter, cuter, and stronger then Cloud, Zidane, or tidus
    • The lead character, Squall, answered every single question with the word "whatever
    • There are only a few good things about this game, like the ability to finally break the 9,999 damage barrier, the cool GF's, and Squall's final limit break
    • The opening FMV features him and Squall battling it out, int he end Seifer won leaving Squall with a scar across his sacred face.
    • If you want Squall to be strong and fast, just junction spells to have strength and speed
    • I can understand how some people may find Squall annoying in the begging of the game, but just give it some time and his character develops very well
    • Squall was...all right
    • Though he's initially far less charismatic and appealing than Cloud, his immediate predecessor, Squall is a tremendously complex, well-rounded lead character with an established psychological excuse for his aggrivatingly anti-social nature
    • But Squall, the main character, is really cool too...except he has problem expressing his emotions
    • like I was Squall, and I was falling in love with
    • Like Squall
    • When did Squall come to like Rinoa?The battle system is bad, too
    • and squall is annoying, smexy, but sooooo annoying.
    • Sounds to me like Squall was the least F'd up of them all
    • While Squall may be a rather hard character to like since he is a but of a rude introverted person, in the end you'll grow to love him and the many characters that tag along with him during the journey
    • Squall is better than Cloud any day.
    • And although many people didn't like Squall's emotional problems,can you imagine how boring the game would have been if Squall had no problems
    • Squall likes to stay to himself because he doesn't want to open up to other people, he is afraid of getting close to someone and then losing them
    • Unfortunately as Squall is a core component of the game he drags down what could have been a good story down to mediocre
    • I love Squall, he is the hottest guy in the entire series
    • THE 70'S!!!!?yea it was fun and i liked being squall so much that i renamed tidus that in final fantasy 10
    • Let's see, the first thing of note that comes to mind is the fact that enemies level up at the same rate as Squall.
    • (Sorry Squall!!)
    • The battle system is horrible, the characters are very boring and annoying (especially Squall), and the enemies are too powerful for your weak characters
    • I hate, squall
    • Squall is also [...], no joke.
    • Squall must battle through emotions and protect the charming and beautiful Rinoa, who taught him a valuable lesson in living
    • Squall gets frustrated by these interferences and is mystified by the occasional appearance of a mysterious young lady
    • This rare is powerful thank u very much best sell top number 1#
    • : I love how u dont need any MP and u can just steal spells from enemys.
    • This rare is powerful thank u very much best sell top number 1#
    • while it's true, it's not as good as
    • This is a truly wonderful, all-consuming gaming experience, and I can only hope that, once I finish, I'll find Final Fantasy VII and IX to be just as engrossing.
    • I respect theirs as I expect mine will be
    • The entire game was well done and well planned, and by far one of my favorites, in the FF series, as well as in RPGs
    • I whole heartedly recommend it to fans of the Final Fantasy series, as well as those looking for a nice change of pace within the RPG genre.
    • well as he put it himself; "of the hook".
    • Starts off great, leaving you wanting more, but only deteriorates as it moves on to the third and fourth discs.- The Junction System
    • Soon they all are thrown into a mission to assassinate a
    • Anyways, I love this game as it provides a new and rich feel to the Final Fantasy Franchise