• Reviews around wolf (1.49 of 5)

    Final Fantasy VIII

    • The game centers mostly around Squall Leonhart, the shining star of Balamb Garden, who is often characterized as a lone wolf who has difficulty expressing himself to others, but it's much easier and a lot more accurate to just say Squall's an enormous jerk
    • Where FFVII focused more on the "greater good" and the journey of the collective characters towards the final goal of saving the world (as usual), FFVIII placed its emphasis on the personalities and minds of the main characters, most prominently through the development of the "lone-wolf" frontman of the game, Squall Leonhart
    • While the story progresses, Squall stops being a lone wolf,and eventually makes friends
    • You play as the quiet lone wolf, 17 year old Squall Leonheart, a member of a group of mercenaries for hire known as SeeD.
    • You play as the quiet lone wolf, 17 year old Squall Leonheart, a member of a group of mercenaries for hire known as SeeD.
    • While the story progresses, Squall stops being a lone wolf,and eventually makes friends
    • (Hmph, nice storyline)Characters:This was sad: When Square made Final Fantasy VII had you emotionally attatched to the characters, in Final Fantasy VIII they made characters that you would want to forget forever:Squall is a lone-wolf ... and a 18 year old loser(So don't call him Cloud); Rhinoa has a the face but everything else
    • Squall is a lone wolf who isn't use to being around people and is uncomfortable with others actually wanting to be around him
    • Final Fantasy VIII starts out with an interesting story about a military cadet, a lone wolf, who enters SeeD, A group of mercenaries for hire dispatched by Balamb Garden.
    • This game features Squall , a lone wolf, that becomes a Seed from Balamb Garden (This garden educates people and trains them so that they can fight evil sorceresses
    • The primary one being a Lone Wolf Introvert leading an entire team of high spirited extroverts