• Reviews around latency issue (1.61 of 5)

    Focusrite Scarlett 2i2 (2nd Gen) USB Audio Interface with Pro Tools | First

    • but I'd occasionally run into latency issues with them.
    • This will solve any latency issue you may have for PC
    • The second generation fixed my latency issue that I had with the first one
    • I run this through ableton having no latency issue and the sound quality is great
    • Does the trick, handled my latency issues and sounds damn good also
    • Free Extended Warranty Works with Windows 10, and sounds great, but there are latency issues with every software I've tried it with, including the Ableton live lite it is packaged with.
    • So far I haven't had any latency issues with the Scarlett.
    • I spent a couple week trying all different kinds of set ups and conclusion with 100% certainty that this product has a latency issue and there is no way to fix it
    • Don't know which audio interface will solve at least somewhat of the latency issues....
    • Since the Solo has fewer inputs, you're less likely to have any latency issues than some of their more feature rich models
    • Where I work, the 2 year older and more expensive Focusrite boxes have latency issues with the $$ version of Protool on 2 year old iMacs with 16gigs ram
    • At the default settings, I have no latency issues while live tracking.
    • Where I work, the 2 year older and more expensive Focusrite boxes have latency issues with the $$ version of Protool on 2 year old iMacs with 16gigs ram
    • Took awhile to get rid of crackling (latency issue mostly), but solid construction
    • Looks great, sounds great but there are latency issues
    • Perfect for simple people like my self as well as for professionals too
    • Works out of the box on my Win, Mac and Linux boxes as simple plug and play (did download Win drivers as in the instructions though)
    • Totally clean and quiet I/O. Plus, I love the look of the box