• Reviews around quality (4.02 of 5)

    Grado SR60i Prestige Series Headphones

    • The quality on these cans is phenomenal for the price, and I recommend picking them up if you aren't a audiophile, but are frustrated with the quality of earbuds
    • I've been stuck on etymotics for the past few years, and I just got sick of having to fiddle with the buds and coat them in saliva before sticking them in my ears to get the best bass quality..
    • Wonderful quality and sound
    • Here is an easy breakdown:Cons:- Really cheesy build quality, nothing on these headphones could last and that is saying a lot considering they never left my work desk to come on the road
    • The sound quality is outstanding (I'm not even exaggerating when I say that audiophiles would appreciate these.
    • With better playback equipment and better quality mediums it will only go up from here
    • The quality of the plastics are questionable.
    • They are very comfy to wear and the sound quality is great.
    • If you want the best audio quality for under 100$, the Grado SR-60i is the almost obvious choice
    • Outstanding sound quality for the money
    • have comfort, fit and questionable build quality issues but great great sound.
    • However, a good quality output will sound good on any decent pair of headphones
    • If you want a pair of fantastic quality headphones to use at home for a great price, these are what you want.
    • The sound quality is as good as expected
    • These are very "sweet" sounding and natural sounding headphones with an excellent construction quality
    • I would recommend them to anyone looking for a great hi quality open-ear set any time.
    • Excellent quality for the priceComfortableA bit bulky for travel but... well worth it
    • Once the headphone arrived, I plugged in,immediately I notice the roundness of the sound, and the just right amount and quality of bass output.
    • The sound quality is excellent
    • P), but the build quality is not refined.
    • The best quality for the best price
    • However, I will say that the sound quality of these phones is quite good
    • I'm so glad that a manufacturing company still exists (and is profitable) in the United States and follows the standard that in the end, the sound quality is much more important than the looks of the product, all while keeping the price down
    • Sound quality is amazing, Bass response is awsome
    • Sound quality is great overall
    • Yes, poor quality equipment gives poor quality sound.
    • I will say the sound quality, nice
    • If all you are looking for in a headset is pure sound quality, this is the headset I would recommend by a long way
    • I read many reviews saying how good the sound quality is and how some users would compare it with headphones of higher level
    • I understand the concentration on sound quality but to ignore build quality is foolish.
    • Sound quality of Sony is better than Grados
    • You "may" have to use a portable amp such as the Boostaroo (Low price, Great Quality that doubles the signal strength of the sound source with three jacks) but it is doubtful
    • I think the sound quality of this phone is not bad, but it's nowhere comparable with my AKG K701 (the only headphone I own that is more expensive than this one).
    • The 1/8" / 1/4" cable is also really good quality as apposed to some other kinds of headphones (I bought a pair of nice over-ear bose headphones and the cable to the 1/8" jack was really thin and broke on me, so i had to solder a new jack on it)
    • The sound quality is so good that it feels like I'm listening to my vinyl for the 1st time.
    • Build: The build quality is simplistic, but still quite good
    • The worst aspect of this headset is the horrible build quality, especially in the cables
    • If you'd like to increase the distance between your ear and the transducer (the sound producing part hiding behind those comfy cushions) and develop a sound stage of some appreciable quality, I recommend the L-Cush ear cushions that come with the SR80's and above.
    • Some reviews had mentioned that replacing the foam could make it much more comfortable to wear and could even improve sound quality
    • What you are getting is a more accurate reproduction of the music's true characteristics, which means for quality audio, details you may have never new were there and for poor quality audio unmasked flaws
    • I'm not an audiophile, but I did think the sound quality of the headphones was very good in comparison to other headphones in this price/quality range
    • I've used these headphones every day and while the sound quality is excellent and they are very comfortable, there are too many issues that prevent me from ordering this item a second time.
    • (first generation) at similar price with much better sound quality and comfort.
    • Anyway, great sound quality at a nice price range, just don't expect you can use it outside while jogging or in a library
    • All that being said, the sound quality you get from these drivers is extraordinary
    • The previous reviewer mentioned that he did not have good quality equipment to utilize these headphones.
    • The build quality is good, feeling nice and sturdy and with very soft foam earpads, though the fake-leather-but-really-plastic headband with no padding is still a letdown
    • wow another pair of headphones i will be sending back because i just dont like the sound quality I have sent more then 8 headphones back (sorry amazon!
    • The sound quality is amazing
    • The sound quality is impeccable, especially the staging; you can hear exactly where the mixer placed the crash cymbol and bass guitar
    • Excellent sound quality
    • I needed an affordable set of headphones with great sound quality, that will be comfortable enough to wear all day long, but still let sound through in case someone needs my attention
    • Overall, I'd say that these are a GREAT addition to my collection of semi-high quality and high quality headphones, and I can't wait to have them break in further to better see the amazing sound quality they are going to produce
    • Enjoyable, high quality
    • I went into purchasing these headphones knowing full well the qualities and cons of the build of this particular model, and came out greatly satisfied nonetheless
    • I've been using IEMs for years now and hardly ever looked back (especially after getting some better quality IEMs.)
    • Sound quality good as advertised
    • I listen to R&B, so these two qualities are very important to me
    • Also, the sound quality is great; a clear, crisp and clean sound.
    • I decided to try out a set of quality Open Ear Headphones, both because I heard the sound quality is best with open ears, and because being able to hear my surroundings would make both me and my wife happy
    • Sound quality is very solid, but headphones are not the most comfortable
    • I was very pleased with the quality of the sound but the headphones have very poor build quality.
    • At around $80 they represent a price point that allows entry to a world of fantastic sound quality
    • Comfort can be an issue with extensive wearing, but I still think these are a must-have if you'd like the best possible sound quality for your budget.
    • Also, the build quality, even though it's good, is kinda plasticky in feel and not solid
    • While MP3's may deliver horrid sound quality, the Grado SR-60 does a fantastic job at making them sound a bit more broad in sound-range than do other speakers.
    • The Grado Prestige Series SR-60i headphones represent the best value in their class, bar none; the sound quality is remarkable, the design is mostly comfortable, and the construction is quite rugged.
    • Excellent sound quality
    • The sound quality is great
    • This is the best cans I have ever had (in my limited budget), however the quality is a definite downside
    • The sound quality is very good
    • Not recommended for running in (look into the Grado ipod series instead).Sound quality is crystal clear and warm, not too bass heavy or too much treble and they accurately represent the true and balanced stereo image of music (my other headphones sounded panned to the left ear slightly).
    • In short, for me personallyPros-Sound quality-durability-comfort-Price
    • Build: The build quality is simplistic, but still quite good
    • Great quality sound for not a lot of money!
    • Outstanding sound quality, however a bit stealthy - if you leave them out, cleaning crews might pass on these "old, clunky" headphones and swipe someone's sleek pair of Bose
    • They do leak a lot of sound, but the sound quality is absolutely worth it.
    • So far, the sound it pretty good, but i know i need to put at least 50 hrs there in order to have a better quality, but no complains yet
    • The better the quality
    • the sound quality is still awesome.
    • I'm sure the sound quality would be even more impressive with uncompressed audio and a headphone amp with a little more current driving them.
    • Initially, the sound quality was disappointing
    • Instead, I bought a very good set of headphones from Apple, Inc. that I'm quite pleased with -- Sennheiser is one of the best names in the business; the headphones they created for the iPod had a superior sound quality to the Grado headphones, as good as they were, and I have had no problems with them whatsoever.
    • These headphones are "Truthful" meaning that their quality is so good that the production quality of the music = the quality you will hear it in these headphones
    • Comfortable, great sound, excellent quality.
    • Anyways, I've had these Grados for 4 years and the build and sound quality is excellent
    • When paired with good quality recordings, these sound amazing
    • Everything about the headphones are pure quality they did not spare any expense, I will purchase more of there products in the near future.
    • The build quality and cables feel very solid for such light headphones.
    • i would recommend these things for anyone who has an ipod , good sound card or quality hi-fi system and likes their music to be played thru some serious headphones (and doesnt mind an open backed desing)
    • Everyone has written about the incredible sound quality coming from these headphones so suffice it to say its one of the better bargains around
    • The quality of these is excellent, and I love that the cable is not curly.
    • They are top quality
    • you don't have a set of very nice speakers at home and all you do is listen to music on headphones, this is a good entry into what high-quality audio sounds like, for less than a hundred bucks, from a company that makes these by hand in the U.S. (Brooklyn, NY)
    • The sound quality is excellent, they have a simple design, and feel sturdy
    • You won't find a better headset to reproduce top quality music in any format.
    • The sound quality is phenomenal at somewhat loud volume, highs and cymbals are crisp, bass is tight, however listening to headphone at high volumes for a long period of time causes problems, but scientifically I don't know how loud is too loud.
    • The sound quality is terrific, but it's hard to appreciate if you're in noisy atmospheres a lot, as external sound won't really be blocked out at all
    • I am no sound engineer but the sound quality seems excellent and they are not yet fully broken in.
    • The best quality sound in mid and treble ranges
    • The sound quality is outstanding for this price level,very detail and high quality music reproduction ; very comfort and well built, you can't beat the 1 year warranty for this !!!!!
    • good highs, good bass, good midrange and amazing sound quality
    • I've used these cans every day for the past 3+ years and the sound quality has always been great
    • Plus, the Grado SR60 has the best sound quality along with the Sennheiser HD280.
    • They are comfortable and the sound quality is incredible
    • Who they're for: anyone on a budget who is looking for top-notch sound quality; entry-level
    • You "may" have to use a portable amp such as the Boostaroo, low price, Great Quality that nearly doubles the signal strength of the sound source with three jacks so you can share and they have overhauled the Amp in the past few years so it is even better, but it is doubtful
    • The quality is wonderful - very smooth and lifelike
    • Sound is acceptable.. although bass is slightly lacking, the quality is good
    • so perhaps it's a case of a defect and poor quality control.
    • I would recommend these headphones for anyone who is looking for excellent sound quality for the sub 100$ price range.
    • The Quality is outstanding and very comfortable on your head
    • Audio quality is better than some of my friends who paid way more for theirs
    • They regularly gave me shivers down my whole body because of the excellent audio quality
    • Sound quality with the iPhone is superb and better than my Sony surround sound receiver or laptop (nothing special).
    • Sound quality nice but overall quality terrible.
    • The sound quality is excellent!
    • But the sound quality is perfect
    • Great sound quality, great style, no better price, and made here in Brooklyn.
    • pros: amazing sound quality, strong plug/chord (extremely important for 'pocket' abuse, like my case), long chord.cons: slightly oversized (pictures show this), might be uncomfortable for long use because of its weight.
    • I use this mostly when listening to music with heavy bass and the sound quality is incredible.
    • First and foremost: sound quality is awful
    • The build quality of the Grado's is decent, I've had the sr60's for about 4 weeks without any of the issues other reviewers have mentioned.
    • Great quality for the price.
    • The sound quality is amazing.
    • The sound quality seem mediocre, but after about a week I start to realize how clear and crisp the sounds they reproduced were.
    • If you'd like to increase the distance between your ear and the transducer (the sound producing part hiding behind those comfy cushions) and develop a sound stage of some appreciable quality, I recommend the L-Cush ear cushions that come with the SR80's and above
    • In less than four years, I've broken:Sennheiser HD280 (which also had excellent sound quality) - and the foam started falling apart and the headband broke, but the headphones still produced fine sound,Sony MDR-blah-blah (lesser sound quality) - build quality really sucks the foam started peeling in about a month,4 different Skull-Candy earbuds (decent sound quality
    • And one can only think that some of these 1 star reviews regarding bad build quality are just the occasional lemon that slips through
    • The quality of the sound is great, but I just wasn't satisfied with the design of the heaphones
    • The quality of the sound is great, but I just wasn't satisfied with the design of the heaphones
    • Comfortable and excellent sound quality
    • These are great quality headphones
    • The sound quality is superb
    • In less than four years, I've broken:Sennheiser HD280 (which also had excellent sound quality) - and the foam started falling apart and the headband broke, but the headphones still produced fine sound,Sony MDR-blah-blah (lesser sound quality) - build quality really sucks the foam started peeling in about a month,4 different Skull-Candy earbuds (decent sound quality
    • They are comfortable and produce great quality sound.
    • Gave it 2 stars because the headset was good quality
    • These are of such great quality that the first thing I did after I got them was get
    • pros: amazing sound quality, strong plug/chord (extremely important for 'pocket' abuse, like my case), long chord.cons: slightly oversized (pictures show this), might be uncomfortable for long use because of its weight.
    • Unbelievable sound quality
    • the sound quality is dreadful
    • Sound quality nice but overall quality terrible.
    • Sound quality is great, better then any in-ear phones I have owned (Shure SE110, V-Moda and Sennheiser)
    • Materials seem to be of very good quality
    • Even a mediocre audiophile like I knows quality when he sees it
    • Very, very good sound and impeccable build quality
    • The sound quality is superb, the padding is still holding up and no cracks in the cords at all
    • The sound quality is hard to beat for the money
    • When you listen to the can, its pure sound quality, imersive music melts all the cons away and makes you promise yourself that you will never give away this can.2
    • Outstanding comfort, quality, and SUPERB SOUND QUALITY
    • Outstanding comfort, quality, and SUPERB SOUND QUALITY
    • There are many talks about comfort issues, as well as construction quality, here is my opinion on it
    • I loved the bass quality and the distinction of sound
    • sizes+The earpads are soft and fuzzy+Good price when better headphones aren't on sale+Good quality cable, comes with a jack-adapter or w/e it's called to use with... those other jacks
    • It really is amazing how such a good sound quality can come at such a reasonable price, I mean I would expect a headset that sounds as good as this one to cost well over a hundred dollars, maybe even two hundred, so I find the great price of $80 to be quite a steal
    • Sound quality was excellent for the price
    • Because Every Pair I owned Had Poor Sound quality, Just Not Enough Volume And The Lack Of Surround Sound
    • Excellent sound quality.
    • The product also came missing a
    • I decided to go with the less expensive SR-60's and it turns out they are as good as or better than the much more expensive competitors from Grado and Sennheiser.
    • But when you get the settings right, you can make them sound almost as good as through a CD player.
    • almost as well as you can
    • but you seriously might as well buy some portable speakers and plug them into your player because everybody and their mom will hear these things (almost as well as you can)!
    • I'm moving on to more expensive Sennheisers as I'm not so broke as to put up with
    • If you are looking for a pair of headphones to throw around, these are not for you as they should be taken care of and respected (as they are awesome).Pick up a pair as you won't regret it!
    • The biggest issue over time is the connecting wires to each headphone, as well as to the jack
    • This means that when I start mastering a track that already has a lot of bass, I sometimes actually boost where a cut would be more sufficient, and leads to a muffled mid section in a more bass-heavy headset, such as my Sony XB-500s
    • Even though I gave it 3 stars I still recommend these headphones as they are decent for the price.
    • When you step up to good headphones you will notice that your source material may not be great, mp3s for instance can be horrible and if your grabbing your mp3s from iTunes or elsewhere they may not be as good as if your ripped the material yourself.
    • If they broke I would definintely replace them with the same model
    • Fast forward into 2009 and the Grado line saw a slight improvement brining forth the "i" after their product names, "i" of course for "improved