• Reviews around range (4.36 of 5)

    Grado SR60i Prestige Series Headphones

    • These are quite obviously the BEST on-ear headphones I've ever heard; with their astounding bass reproduction, strong mid-range, and smooth crisp highs, they recreate whatever sound you put through them almost perfectly and leave your ears un-fatigued in the end too
    • While it plays a very crisp treble and a clear middle range, it does suffer in the bass register
    • Excellent mid-range reproduction.
    • They have lovely bass response and bright highs, though the mid range can be a bit muddled with some sound sources.
    • Huge, dynamic range of sound with a rich bass and crystal clear audio
    • My only criticism is that they lack an in-line volume control which is very convenient and avoids having to set up the computer volume setting for songs of very different dynamic range in a queue.
    • For example, some complex tonal passages sound distorted especially those that are at the high end of the dynamic range (LOUD), and if you lower the volume, the distortion continues
    • The range and balance of audio frequencies are excellent for the price.
    • Great range and pretty flat signature, but not the most precision nor the biggest soundstage
    • Man, are they good!!Spatial separation, clean tones, range
    • Good bass, strong mid range and acceptable treble.
    • Also, the bass has a slow climb where the really low ranges don't respond as well as higher ranges (though I like this as it almost seems to add a sort of clarity to bass instruments and such due to the low range overpowering the high less.)
    • Anyway, great sound quality at a nice price range, just don't expect you can use it outside while jogging or in a library
    • The response is so smooth with a dynamic range that allows you to hear every nuance recorded onto the track.
    • you really enjoy the full range of orchestra, from the violin to the percussion instruments
    • They take some getting used to after you've owned less accurate headphones that artificially boost the low end to compensate for poor range
    • The range of sound is exceptional
    • The product also came missing a
    • I decided to go with the less expensive SR-60's and it turns out they are as good as or better than the much more expensive competitors from Grado and Sennheiser.
    • But when you get the settings right, you can make them sound almost as good as through a CD player.
    • almost as well as you can
    • but you seriously might as well buy some portable speakers and plug them into your player because everybody and their mom will hear these things (almost as well as you can)!
    • I'm moving on to more expensive Sennheisers as I'm not so broke as to put up with
    • If you are looking for a pair of headphones to throw around, these are not for you as they should be taken care of and respected (as they are awesome).Pick up a pair as you won't regret it!
    • The biggest issue over time is the connecting wires to each headphone, as well as to the jack
    • This means that when I start mastering a track that already has a lot of bass, I sometimes actually boost where a cut would be more sufficient, and leads to a muffled mid section in a more bass-heavy headset, such as my Sony XB-500s
    • Even though I gave it 3 stars I still recommend these headphones as they are decent for the price.
    • When you step up to good headphones you will notice that your source material may not be great, mp3s for instance can be horrible and if your grabbing your mp3s from iTunes or elsewhere they may not be as good as if your ripped the material yourself.