• Reviews around language (1.61 of 5)

    Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas ( DVD-ROM ) - PC

    • It is violent and has some sexual content as well as some incredibly foul language
    • Laughable graphics, repetitive language and foul at that
    • Dated graphics engine, foul language may turn off some
    • As someone else stated, the foul language almost becomes obsessive and overdone.
    • I'm am so sick and tired of these old baggy ass politicians picking on GTA for its Gore, strong language, and sexual content
    • Yes i know this installment sets you up as an african american "gangsta" in the 90s, but the language of "da hood" gets annoying after a while
    • It is violent and has some sexual content as well as some incredibly foul language
    • There is a huge amount of foul language and many adult situations in the game, and while for me it makes for a funny and slick game, it is certainly not material suitable for younger gamers
    • Expect a lot of the word "bitch", and the N word that most black people don't like