• Reviews around problem (1.95 of 5)

    Joyo JF-01 Vintage Overdrive Guitar Effect Pedal with True Bypass

    • The MXR models have a good clarity of tone, but with only two knobs, the lack of customization is a problem.
    • Normally a problem like that would knock it down at least two
    • The delay was OK, but the noise was a real problem.
    • My only problem, and the reason for 4 instead of 5 stars, is the foot switch didn't work out of the box
    • That problem's now been remedied with a new pedal power adapter, and the Joyo chorus effect is indeed a joy.
    • I don't know it the tech 21 has the same hissing problem or not.
    • You can get a very heavily distorted full on rock crunch out of it no problem
    • Their was an intermittent problem the footswitch
    • Most "Marshall-in-a-box" stomps, imo, sound much tamer than a real Marshall, and they give you a "prettied-up", safer version of that sound, in order to appease the 15-year-old Children Of Boredom/Cannibal Corpse lame-o neo-hippies the scene is now infested with
    • Not a strong sounding phase- a and b with behrenger vintage phase, I much prefer sound of behringer, but hate huge size on pedalboard.
    • It's not "built like a tank", but no flimsy plastic crap like the brand that starts with a B, which fishes in the same pond, price-wise
    • l have several Joyo pedals and love them all.