• Reviews around channel (4.16 of 5)

    Joyo JF-12 Voodoo Octava Guitar Pedal

    • when combined with my overdrive (joyo ultimate drive another great pedal) and my already slightly dirty channel on my amp its amazing
    • Like it alone with clean channel on my fender champion and my semi hollow body thin Ibanez Artcore.
    • I've also ran it into the clean channel of a Marshall amp with decent results
    • I play through a Vox ac30c2x and the pedal works great in top boost and normal channels
    • .. in my case I ran it through an Orange TH30 +PPC112 on the clean channel (massive headroom) and with the mids turned down, it did sound pretty reasonable.
    • It works well as everything from the clean channel (gain all the way down, level all the way up) to about 4 o'clock on the Drive knob
    • This pedal makes my somewhat lackluster clean channel on a red stripe Peavey Rage respectable for low volume play
    • This pedal makes my somewhat lackluster clean channel on a red stripe Peavey Rage respectable for low volume play
    • I used this with my 5 string bass and split the high channel thru to this (using a pair of EQs).
    • Well, Still of little to no use for PA or direct to computer use, or when the amp has a "hifi" quality aux input ..such as many bass amps, however...the eq and drive does a decent job of emulating that fender clean tone/mild breakup when run through a good clean channel of another guitar
    • In a nutshell, this pedal played driven on the clean channel sounds more Fender-y and tube-ish than any of the amp's Fender modeling
    • If you have a good 6L6 tube NON-Fender amplifier, plug-in the clean channel, & this Pedal will re-produce any
    • For practice and small gigs I use a Marshall DSL40C mostly on the clean "green" channel and set to a light
    • But it nails the clean channel of my modded Palomino V32 Class A, and is probably better than the clean sound on my Egnater Tweaker
    • when combined with my overdrive (joyo ultimate drive another great pedal) and my already slightly dirty channel on my amp its amazing
    • I use this into the clean channel which I think sounded just fine before.
    • you want that perfect piano clarity, and just more of the bell tone glassy chime through your Strat & 6L6 tube Clean channel with a bit of grit, you will want to give this a try
    • I've used it in front of solid-state and tube amps alike, as well as in a direct recording setup, and have been pleased with my tone in every instance
    • Don't know yet how it works as it did not come with a cord....
    • Yeah it’s not as good as
    • My only gripe would be that the footswith could feel of better quality however everything works as it should