• Reviews around core (1.11 of 5)

    Kinect Sensor with Kinect Adventures!

    • This will increase the amount of people playing those hardcore games, and perhaps, maybe all them guy hard core gamers will start to see more girls online
    • A unique gaming experienceCons: Space requirements, sometimes tracking is less than desired, uncertainty of quality game titles supporting KinectI would consider myself a pretty hard core gamer
    • I am not a hard core gamer
    • If you are into real hard core gaming you may wanna wait till they work with the technology to incorporate it with heavy gaming, if it is even possible
    • But I do believed Kinect has helped hard core gamers inadvertently, let me explain
    • But regardless of all that, hard core gamers feel left out and unless they can muster up enough energy to get off the couch, and lower their ego's enough to play a game that doesn't involve blood and guts, then their is no hope for them and they will insult the Kinect in every way they can
    • Though the real games I want to see are for hard-core gamers
    • It's different enough that the games don't feel redundant but the hard core gamer will get board after about a day, and the casual gamer will be unmotivated to play after about a week
    • Another caveat: I'm typically a hard core gamer
    • I am not a hard-core gamer - so I don't really need the xbox
    • I am a hard core gamer.
    • They are the "Hard Core Gamers
    • KINECT is definitely NOT replacing the XBOX360 controller anytime soon, specially for the HARD core gamers (FPS, RPG, MMOs
    • I have the item and have to say it is fun as heck for a family party and all but not quite the item for a hard core gamer at this time
    • Second, if there's a hard-core gamer who says Kinect will fail, ignore them because they aren't the target audience for this
    • My husband also believes that hard core games will eventually show up for the Kinect, but as of now, we are both very happy with the Kinect experience!
    • Pros: Great for casual gamers, parties, families, and even hard core gamers looking to expand their catalog
    • Not for couch potatoes or exclusively hard core
    • Also i believe eventually we will have hard core games like Halo, Fallout etc.. available for Kinect
    • Also i believe eventually we will have hard core games like Halo, Fallout etc.. available for Kinect
    • The Kinect did not promise to deliver some type of new hard core gaming experience and thus shouldn't be held accountable for it
    • My fiancée (who normally hates video games) actually enjoyed this, but wasn't upset at all when I returned it.