• Reviews around workout (4.23 of 5)

    Kinect Sensor with Kinect Adventures!

    • I had so much fun "playing" The Biggest Loser Ultimate Workout last
    • we've played Kinect Adventures, which is so fun and a surprisingly tough workout
    • I really like playing Dance Central with the Kinect because I honestly feel like I get a workout when I play the songs on hard, and I almost always work up a sweat while having a lot of fun
    • We purchased this (my husband and I) to play the Biggest Loser Workout game
    • The boxing is a better workout then I get at the gym
    • and it was a good workout
    • In Kinect Sports, the Boxing is a blast, great upper body workout, Ping Pong rocks, and the bowling is a lot of fun
    • A great workout - Just playing table tennis in Kinect Sports can break quite a sweat and get the blood pumping.
    • The games also give you a surprisingly good workout...really!
    • I can't recommend Kinect enough, but be prepared, you will feel like you've gotten a workout even without playing the workout games, something that other consoles have tried to do, but failed because of the use of just a controller, and not full body tracking.
    • And more recently, I bought the Zumba workout game, and it's a great workout!!
    • This is fun and the dance programs are a good workout.
    • I have two more games coming today but so far kinect adventures has been fun and a good workout for me and my friends and family.
    • Alot of fun and would recommend this product to everyone, not only a fun game to play but also a great workout!
    • You get a good workout.
    • and You will get a great workout
    • I purchased the kinect with biggest loser ultimate workout....and believe me its money well spent
    • Gives a great workout and makes you sweat
    • but you get a great workout as well
    • I think I ended up getting a pretty good workout from it
    • Speaking of Your Shape, it's an awesome workout
    • After blocking 250+ goals in my 3 tries, I was getting a good workout!
    • The Wii can provide a much less intense play experience and workout than the Kinect
    • Fitness Evolved by myself and got a great workout.
    • Wow, it was a great workout with a lot more fun than on a treadmill
    • adventures!HAVE FUN!PS: great workout!
    • I bought Dance Central and Your Shape Fitness and wow, both games give you an incredible workout.. well for me (ok, I'm slightly out of shape)
    • After a couple of hours playing Kinect Sports yesterday, I can say the system works great, we had a lot of fun, we got a great light workout and at least this game is very good
    • It's great fun doing so though, and doesn't seem like a monotonous workout
    • I tell you what, I definitely got a good workout.
    • Just a heads up though this can be rather physical, so get ready to get a good workout.
    • Kids and adults alike will enjoy hours of fun and entertainment, just be ready for a good workout!*One more thing, Netflix voice/motion controls are not available yet, but it should be coming soon, that should really take Kinect over the top.
    • I would state that even without using the Fitness games you can get a good workout, because you will be moving around... a lot
    • Kinect, is extremely fun, and its good workout too
    • You get an amazing workout and some pretty funny pictures that are captured
    • Dance Central is the best for a measured, slower to faster workout with a challenge - you can control the level of exersion by which song you pick and difficulty levels.
    • I will say, that you will get a pretty decent cardio workout from playing many of the games in Adventures.
    • It is so fun and interactive as well as quite a workout.
    • It is really fun and a good workout but its hard to play in dorm rooms and the characters are really fidgety
    • and it gives a great workout with the Nike Kinnect!
    • Its great for us to get off our butts, have a mini workout and indulge in our fav
    • Dance Central was an immediate blast and provides a good, solid workout, and I haven't even played the hard modes yet
    • It will give you a good workout on most of the games, but it needs more titles to be released in order for it to continue to be relevant
    • my husband & I play it every night, and as a bonus I feel like I am getting a good workout
    • Also, it is a great, AND FUN, workout...(sounds like an
    • the days of kids getting fat sitting around pushing buttons are over...this is an intense full body workout and tho I'm in lousy shape I am loving it.
    • After 3 weeks I have lost 2 inches and close to 10pounds on Biggest Loser Ultimate Workout
    • They'll go down stairs for hours and get a pretty good workout having fun.
    • It is an absolute joy and an amazing workout
    • I suggest YourShape by UBI soft, great workout!
    • im mainly using it for workout games and its so fun
    • Do yourself a favor and buy this thing it's fun and a GREAT workout.
    • In fact, I can readily see that the Kinect games will provide a decent workout while having fun.
    • But I want a fitness game to make we want to come back day after day, give me a hard but enjoyable workout, and be flexible enough to accommodate my fitness whims