• Reviews around cord (1.69 of 5)

    Koss Porta Pro On Ear Headphones with Case, Black / Silver

    • Cons: Cheap (but apparently durable) cord
    • These worked pretty well until the cord went bad near the headphone jack.
    • Its been sent in twice for the cord pulling out, not manufacturer problem but Koss fixed it anyway.
    • The cord appears to be made of cheap material; inflexible
    • Only two drawbacks I note: the cord is a bit short, and they bleed sound out since they don't have a hard plastic ear cover that surrounds the speakers
    • Great cord length when you're on the move but not so much when you're sitting down
    • I have never tried the warranty as seems like a hassle and the things never break; the cheap cord starts to harden
    • Light weightThe cord is pretty long enough
    • so maybe the heat gets to the cord, but the cord is thin & cheap for sure
    • Only "issue", if you could call it that, is the cord is a tad short, but that's not enough to knock a star off
    • Cord broke within a month of use
    • These sound as good as always, but the cord is cheaper, flimsier and more prone to failure that before
    • Not one pair has ever failed on me but the cord will become stiff & hard and difficult to untangle after about 12-18 months
    • His have already broken -- the cord got caught on something and ripped out easily
    • I lost my left cord to a very feeble tree branch.
    • They have an almost L-shape cable, but are at a slight angle making them easy to jam down and potentially damage the cord, or even the device you're listening from
    • I had my first pair for almost 3 years before the cord became tough and it finally shorted out
    • I've wrapped the cord around the phones in a number of ways, had the cord wrapped by itself and lazily just left the cord lying around other times)
    • Cons: Cheap (but apparently durable) cord
    • The shorter cord mitigates that global tragedy.--I think they look cool!Con:--Yes, just one con for me so
    • The sound is still crystal clear and has great range, the cord is sturdy, and the foam pads have yet to show any wear and tear
    • Only down fall is the cord is a little flimsy, do what the cool kids do and wrap it!!
    • The only real downside we've found is that the cords are outrageously frail.
    • it's probably close to double digits by now), and I treat them well - no cord yanking or careless use
    • The cord itself feels like a wire stuck in a narrow sheet of plastic
    • and that's how twisted the cord gets after a couple of months of use
    • The sound is great for electronic music as well as R and B/Hip Hop, and the base is impressive for these