• Reviews around enemy (1.69 of 5)

    Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga - Nintendo Wii

    • The standard levels comprise of solving puzzles and destroying enemies to move on.
    • If you kill an enemy, they break into lego pieces instead of just "dying"
    • You get to act out the characters and destroy the enemies
    • You walk around and blow stuff apart and kill the enemy
    • This is very nice game and for kids you can consider it "politicaly right" since you don't need to "kill" the enemy, but "break" them
    • They give you studs when you defeat enemies, they let you "use the force" faster, and they let you build lego objects faster.
    • After that though, we're having a blast fighting through decent enemies as the game's difficulty adapts to how you play.
    • it feels amazing to use the force and pick up huge objects and wing them at your enemies or literally pick up your enemies until they explode under your grip.