• Reviews around audio (2.09 of 5)

    LilGadgets Connect Premium Volume Limited Wired Headphones with SharePort for Children, Black

    • Unfortunately, they were really soft as the noise from the plane drowned out the audio, even at maximum volume
    • Could not get audio out of one side (no matter what we tried short of throwing against a wall .. not great for our kid), they are VERY small and can't be adjusted to fit a small adult's head
    • My child uses it twice before the audio became so distorted they were useless.
    • The 3 stars is because the audio is great and I can just interchange the cable and buy a higher quality cable
    • After losing audio in the first set, LilGadgets sent us a replacement in March
    • He says they fit great and are comfortable and they dont allow the audio to be so loud it will burst the ear drums like previous headphones we’ve tried
    • pretty sure its some design flaw.honestly, was sad to see them break as they seem good in every other aspect
    • The one year mark is misleading as we don't let our kids use often and had them take REALLY good care of them.
    • For as comfy and compact as they are, they aren't loud enough.
    • My little guy loves these and I love the volume limits as he can't possibly turn it as high as he wants to
    • They fit her well (and her head is a bit on the larger side) and they worked exactly as they should.
    • not really impressed as they are not loud at all to not buy for small children seems to frustrate them when they slide around on there heads and the cables don't last one already snapped
    • The wire isn't too restricting as
    • My son's works just fine as of the writing of this review but my daughter cable, which looks in better shape than my sons, has started to fail
    • We require that the kids sit with these headphones while they use them and they lay as still as they can
    • My 5 y/o loves her headphones, I had purchased a pair for my son a long time ago and they still work for him.