• Reviews around bias (5.00 of 5)

    MAXELL NORMAL BIAS UR-90 (15-Pack) Standard Size Cassettes

    • Use to record music works well sounds as good as high bias tapes and priced right.
    • Normal bias tapes like these tend to retain more of the original quality recording for much longer than high bias cassettes do
    • This is the best price I've seen on good normal bias tapes - the chrome (high bias, Type II) are just too pricey - but these sound just fine for all my music, whether rock, jazz, country or classical.
    • I routinely record in the red on the meters and this tape handles it all perfectly, nearly as well as some high bias tapes
    • I highly recommend Maxell normal bias 90 minute cassette tapes for you to use when you need to record something onto a tape.
    • But no cassette is as good as, say, a TDK SA-90 high bias, but those are so expensive that I don't bother with them anymore