• Reviews around story (5.00 of 5)

    Mortal Kombat - PlayStation Vita

    • scorpion is better than ever the story line awesome.
    • The story is pretty solid for the most part, but there are some times where a character would barge into the scene out of nowhere to fight whoever you're playing as
    • Story mode is the same as on PS3, it's just the best story mode of any fighting game I've ever played so far
    • Awesome story line, just like the movies.
    • New characters, awesome story and lots of movements are all mixed in this game
    • Then i discovered there is a very fun story mode
    • Story is good in the story mode
    • Hours of content, two challenge towers, and a fantastic story mode round out this excellent game-on-the-go.
    • It has a very decent and fun story mode, it has 2 challenge towers that aren't just absurd feats (like the Mission Mode in Guilty Gear X2 became) but instead fun and interesting.