• Reviews around scalp (1.79 of 5)

    Neutrogena T/Gel Therapeutic Shampoo Original Formula, Anti-Dandruff Treatment for Long-Lasting Relief of Itching and Flaking Scalp as a Result of Psoriasis and Seborrheic Dermatitis, 16 Fl Oz

    • I had mild dandruff and itchy scalp all the time
    • So I tried this product!My scalp began to heal after the first use.
    • I have a very itchy and flaky scalp due to a dermatitis condition
    • since I was sick my scalp was always super itchy
    • I have such picky & sensitive scalp that no other shampoo works for me
    • but i've suffered from itchy and flaky scalp for
    • If your scalp is itchy or flaky, it is a great shampoo.
    • and I was terrified (and grossed out) from my flaky, itchy dry scalp
    • I’ve started experiencing An itchy scalp so she said to give it a try
    • No residues left behind, scalp is really clean, new hair growing back.
    • I will say that this cleared up my scalp no problem after only a couple uses..... but the SMELL
    • Makes the scalp feel really good
    • I had been battling with a seriously itchy scalp and some scabbing since this past super-dry winter
    • My scalp was always itching and flaking even right after being washed
    • I have always had a bad case of dry scalp due to the climate i live in and this completely makes my hair flake free and keeps my scalp nice and clean
    • This has made a world of difference for my itchy scalp
    • I can my scalp is almost clear
    • After the fourth wash, my scalp was perfectly clean, and hydrated an no more desquamation/dandruff
    • Prevents dandruff and rejuvenates the scalp.
    • Smelled like chemicals and burned my scalp.
    • No more greasy itchy scalp
    • The scent does not stay in your hair strong and if you use conditioner like you should on the roots, it gives it that perfumy smell without hurting your scalp
    • Reduces itchy scalp
    • Yes, the shampoo has that “medicated smell” which is not pleasant but the soothed scalp after using it is worth it
    • My scalp has always had issues of some sort or other, I've used other shampoos and they solved some of the problems but never all
    • Not only did it immediately bring my itchy, flaky scalp under control - it also made my hair incredibly shiny and manageable
    • Relieves severely itchy scalp instantly
    • Her scalp is now healthy and flake free after 2 months of use.
    • I don’t believe this is truly intended for severe scalp conditions
    • Most effective shampoo for itchy scalp.
    • After using this product just a couple of times my scalp has improved dramatically
    • My scalp gets really itchy occasionally and when it acts up I just use this for 2-3 days in a row and it resets my scalp
    • I normally deal with a dry, flaky, itchy scalp since I suffer from eczema
    • I ended up using it a second time because it got rid of my next day greasy scalp
    • and then you can space out with your actual favorites (better scents) or get a nice smelling leave in conditioner and use it at the ends and no where near our angry sensitive scalps
    • It leaves my scalp feeling refreshed and It relieved my itchy scalp.
    • , it did control the oiliness and dandruff but it caused my scalp to itch really bad after 2 uses idk if it will improve or not but hopefully it does
    • My scalp was still itchy after the wash so pls don’t scratch your scalp even if still itchy, cause your scalp may hurt
    • I love this product and this will be my go to for itchy scalp
    • This is the only stuff thst has helped my itchy, flaky scalp
    • I’ve struggled with severe dry scalp (which I now know is psoriasis) for years
    • this is a shampoo that was recommended for my itchy scalp by a dermatologist many years ago.
    • My itchy scalp is almost gone.
    • Been using T-Gel for over 20 years and its helped maintain a healthy scalp
    • The best shampoo for itchy and flaky scalp.
    • For dandruff and itchy scalp
    • Maybe my scalp is too sensitive for this product, but the irritation and the smell alone are the reason for my rating .
    • I’ve tried many other shampoos for greasy scalp and they would end up drying my scalp causing it to flake and itch
    • It stopped the itchy scalp, and really helped to control the flaking.
    • my scalp is mostly dandruff free and the itchy hell is over
    • I don’t know what the issue is with my oily, itchy and flaky scalp
    • because I thought this would solve my itchy scalp and
    • Great shampoo for dry, irritated scalp
    • It's gotten to the point that my scalp will get itchy and there will be dandruff ALL under my nails (super gross, I know)
    • My scalp has been so sensitive that regular shampooing was painful and made my skin turn red
    • I use for greasy scalp
    • It's not 100 percent gone ( which I am hoping after second use) but my scalp is less itchy and my hair feels smooth.
    • Helps so much with my itchy scalp !
    • Recommend by my sons doctor due to excessive dry scalp
    • It works well on my sensitive scalp, smells neither good nor bad, acceptable, very recommend
    • I used to have itchy scalp and tried other products but nothing really helped.
    • But the scalp is itchy after using this shampoo
    • The nizoral made my scalp feel great and no gunk under nails
    • My scalp is way less itchy and dry.
    • The scent leaves something to be desired, but I'll take my scalp not itching and driving me crazy over a pleasant scent
    • It really cleans the scalp and hair of residual oils and debris that other shampoos leave behind and thus, causing a buildup on the scalp and hair
    • Great shampoo, helps with itchy scalp can not complain will continue to buy it for when I need it.
    • I wouldn’t say it cures a dry scalp completely
    • I highly recommend trying this T-gel shampoo combo if you have itchy scalp and /or the horrible psoriasis or just bad dandruff
    • Really helping my dry itchy scalp, can’t recommend enough
    • It takes a while now for me to see the flaky scalp come back after washing it
    • My scalp doesn't feel itchy anymore
    • My scalp was still itchy after the wash so pls don’t scratch your scalp even if still itchy, cause your scalp may hurt
    • My ends are dry but my scalp is flaky and oily
    • , it did control the oiliness and dandruff but it caused my scalp to itch really bad after 2 uses idk if it will improve or not but hopefully it does
    • I have constant issues with an itchy scalp
    • Now i have clear soft scalp.
    • and then you can space out with your actual favorites (better scents) or get a nice smelling leave in conditioner and use it at the ends and no where near our angry sensitive scalps
    • I stopped using it three weeks ago, switching to a more gentle shampoo and have NO scalp sores.
    • With this shampoo my scalp can finally heal from months of irritation
    • Very good for psoriasis and itchy scalp
    • I had a flaky, itchy scalp for weeks, and I found this at the top of a list for best products to fix this
    • if I didn't wash my hair every day my scalp would itch like a son of gun, now I can go two and if I dare three days without washing my hair with no itch.. definitely going to buy again.
    • My scalp breaks out in the summer from sweating
    • I really wanted this product to work for my itchy/ dry scalp, but after trying 2 separate times and using the entire bottle on both occasions, I’m still not sure
    • A must have for anyone with itchy scalp😁
    • Her scalp is now healthy and flake free after 2 months of use.
    • My scalp doesn't itch so that is also good
    • I was having a really hard time with dry & itchy scalp (either from air conditioning, our dry apartment, and/or harsh water in our apartment)
    • Would recommend to anyone looking to quickly resolve an itchy, flaky scalp!
    • I disliked the offense odor and it didn't relieve my itchy scalp
    • It has a strong smell but my scalp is free of dandruff and it’s not itchy anymore
    • This is the worst smelling shampoo that I have ever tried for my itchy scalp
    • We both love T/Gel because it is so effective against itchy scalp issues
    • But whenever I switch to the previous shampoo, my scalp gets the same itchy like before, which may mean that the shampoo hasn't really cured the scalp?
    • She has huge flakes and a very itchy scalp
    • My teenage son had horrible dry scalp with red patches
    • Lately, I've been having an itchy scalp and
    • It clears and dandruff and soothes my scalp
    • After being recently diagnosed with eczema, I realized my scalp was suffering as well
    • The bestest product ever, I had a really bad scalp psoriasis and thanks to this product it really cleared out almost everything
    • My scalp cleared up after the second wash
    • My scalp has been bit oily naturally but due to this shampoo it itchy dry after 4 uses only.
    • It smells like mothballs BUT worked wonders for my extremely itchy and flakey scalp
    • This helps my scalp stay itch free.
    • I’d suffered from a bad scalp many years ago, and a dermatologist said this shampoo would probably help.
    • But it does work well for my persistent itchy scalp.
    • I have terrible dandruff and itchy scalp and I’ve tried so many products
    • but right after use, scalp feels itchy like I didn't even wash my hair.
    • I have such picky & sensitive scalp that no other shampoo works for me
    • Scalp not improved at all after a couple of weeks
    • I stopped using it for a while but now that I have a daughter who unfortunately has a sensitive scalp like mine, I’m back with this shampoo again
    • and it really helps with my greasy scalp
    • I tried this because I have an itchy, flaky scalp that hurts sometimes and bothers me often
    • but since I started to use this product from first day I’ve seen great result and no more itch scalp
    • I bought it because I have constant itchy scalp
    • The only anti-itch shampoo that I have used that actually STOPS my itchy and flakey scalp
    • I've always had perfect scalp up until recently
    • The scalp is no longer itchy and oily, but I don’t like the smell.
    • Really helping my dry itchy scalp, can’t recommend enough
    • I havent had scales in aprox 2 weeks and honestly, I cant remember when was the last time my scalp felt like this
    • If you suffer from an itchy scalp, try thus
    • Stinky scalp syndrome
    • This is my go-to in the event I have dandruff or unusual scalp flakiness
    • Used for itchy scalp and this is our go to product.
    • Works wonderfully on my daughters dry, flaky scalp
    • It cleared my scalp the first time I used it!
    • No more dry itchy scalp
    • Flaky scalp continues.
    • I have an incredibly sensitive scalp
    • I have tried other kinds of intense scalp shampoos, and although they may have smelled a little better right out of the bottle, this one works the
    • Definitely doesn’t smell great, but my scalp feels so much better!
    • I used it for few days it keep my scalp more itchy
    • But if you have sensitive skin and scalp, it's an excellent choice
    • It's a good shampoo if you have a dry flaky scalp.
    • Best shampoo for anyone experiencing scalp itching or problems
    • My scalp does not itch or flake like it used to; it was starting to get so noticeable and bad
    • Helps tremendously with my husbands itchy scalp and keeps the odor down
    • The first day after using, my scalp wasn't itchy at all (this was a first)
    • However, I’ve been suffering from dry, itchy, and flaky scalp for four years now and tried every product (even all natural ones) under the sun
    • i was waking up at night to scratch my scalp and it was so inflamed and irritated, but when i started using this product twice a week my scalp completely healed.
    • The smell is off-putting, but to me its worth a scales/flakes free scalp
    • I can feel and see my cleaned scalp now
    • I continue to experience dandruff and itchy scalp, but at a reduced rate when I use this product
    • every 2/3 Days an now since I started using this shampoo my scalp is 99% clear
    • However, I have to give it 2 big thumbs up for clearing up my scalp of acne.
    • So it soothes my scalp and first and then throughout the day it gets even drier and more sad than before
    • My scalp does not itch or flake like it used to; it was starting to get so noticeable and bad
    • I had a crazy itchy scalp and this helped so much!!
    • Believing that a medicated shampoo was needed to eliminate itchy scalp I bought this product because of my recognition of the Neutrogena brand.
    • Itchy and painful scalp
    • I used this producer for dry itchy scalp
    • I have dry flaky scalp and beard.
    • My scalp was inflamed and red after use, and was very tender for a week after
    • I had bad dry scalp for several months
    • This product works great for a dry, itchy scalp.
    • It seems to help a bit but still leaves an irritated scalp
    • My daughter has always had a hard time with a flaky scalp
    • The first day I used it, I felt that the smell was very heavy and heavy, and the next day I didn’t have the symptoms of itchy scalp
    • Works wonderfully on my daughters dry, flaky scalp
    • At first I was excited because my scalp felt better (even though it stank), but then I noticed my hair wasn’t drying all the way near my scalp and looked/felt super greasy
    • Still too early to see if it has cured the itchy scalp issue, but it hasn't made it worse, at least!
    • His scalp is particularly bad and we needed something strong to really help
    • it’s also good for dry scalp Bad thing about
    • It took about two-three uses to see a change but my scalp is so much healthier now
    • but since I started to use this product from first day I’ve seen great result and no more itch scalp
    • The shampoo that saved my sensitive scalp
    • I would definitely recommend this to anyone that has very dry itchy scalp.
    • Smells a but weird but not that bad after a while
    • Even after shampooing, it's sticky as if there's something on hands