• Reviews around photo (4.38 of 5)

    Nikon D80 DSLR Camera (Body only) (OLD MODEL)

    • I find it disappointing to pay somewhere in the neighborhood of $1200 or so for a Nikon DSLR, and, in order to get properly exposed photographs, if you're wanting to just point and shoot, you have to shoot in another mode such as Program mode and adjust the exposure, or, brighten up your auto mode photos with photo editing software after you've uploaded them to your computer
    • This camera should produce some great photo enlargements.
    • From my experience, the limit of all-around ISO setting is 1250 for best-detailed photos
    • I am taking the most beautiful photos I have never taken.
    • Trust me, the photos even for those at 2.5 mega pixels after enlarging to 10"x12" are still clear and sharp
    • Unbelievable photos
    • I have missed so many photos in the past due to shutter lag, but that is not a problem with this camera.
    • However, this D80 exceeds the D50 in manyways and takes great photos
    • I'm usually a point and shoot kind of camera person and the d80 has made my photos look great
    • With this camera my photos look great.
    • looked like a photo ready to use for a magazine cover, not even exagerating.
    • You cannot hand the D200 to a non-pro and expect them to take decent photos with it, but with the D80 you really could set it to auto and anyone can take great shots
    • While just about any point and shoot, today, has many of the functions necessary to take great photos (shutter settings, aperture settings, ISO settings, flash adjustment, exposure control, etc...), THIS camera has them at your
    • 18-55mm and the 55-200 mm VR lenses are light and deliver sharp photos
    • My copy produced slightly soft photos.
    • The photos look great, the camera was easy to use without any previous instruction, and a 2MB card and one battery lasted me almost the entire 2.5 week trip (got about 800 photos on one card and then switched it out; battery is still good to go).
    • I have used the camera in difficult lighting situations and the photos have been incredible.
    • The picture quality is great and when set to auto even the worst picture taker (me) can get a good photo.
    • This particular lens isvery flexible and takes excellent photos, so we don'thave a gripe with it
    • Usable photos are produced even up to ISO 1600 in good light.
    • So I read review after review... knowing simply that I wanted my next camera to be user friendly, have more pixels/take clearer photos than my previous, have greater zoom, a larger LCD screen and give me editing options for photos taken
    • On the Canons, the onboard flashes never would use the advanced metering that the external flashes provided, but with the Nikon D80, I see such perfectly illuminated photos with the onboard flash
    • If you are wanting to take phenomenal photos to have for years to come, this is the camera to do it
    • Even for absolute beginners using Auto mode, you'll still get much better photos from this camera than anything else out there
    • Reason for replacing, picture quality and speed of shooting, with the Olympus would have to wait a bit between shooting pictures, sometime missing the photo you wanted to take, not the case with this camera.
    • (Speed needs juice folks)Low light photos are better with the D200, mainly because of a little better setting control, shot to shot both cameras perform about the same
    • The color seems to always be true.- Flash recovery is fast.-Automatic flash pop up when needed.- The camera set-up on most defaults make taking photos easy and very sharp
    • The D40 took great photos, but it was too frustrating to use
    • Generally I find I can get a good pic in like 10-15 photos