• Reviews around motion sickness (1.23 of 5)

    Oculus Rift - Virtual Reality Headset

    • Had a little bit of motion sickness at first, but it's bearable
    • I don't have much issues with motion sickness in real life and after a week i haven't had much with this either, except when i turned on "smooth turning" in Obduction.
    • It really is the way forward as long as you don't get motion sickness from it.
    • so if you are someone who dont get any motion sickness or anything of the sort, you can wear it for as long as you want
    • Motion sickness is a real thing, and as a kid I used to get motion sickness in cars, but no longer, however this headset has made me motion sick a couple of times, mostly from games that move far too fast for me at the moment, Warthunder was the biggest issue, but i've seen it with Dreadhalls and Eve Valkyrie
    • I fought to acquire it on launch day, loaded up on titles, and...found myself sadly distraught over all the motion sickness, poor controller tracking, and a bulky headset that literally cut off circulation
    • Also, you get crazy motion sickness
    • can be motion sickness (or they call it VR sickness, but same feeling).
    • What's strange is I've never had any history of motion sickness or migraines, so this caught me off guard
    • On the PSVR motion sickness bit, check out YouTube videos of games; even without the headset on, you'll get a good sense of susceptibility to problems
    • Not causing me any problem with motion sickness
    • The most glaring difference between the Rift and PSVR is the farewell to motion sickness
    • I get simulator sickness, its not the HMDs fault, flight sims can be tough when you do certain maneuvers (War Thunder, Elite Dangerous and DCS World-amazing games in the rift), if you get motion sickness just be prepared for some simulator sickness with certain experiences.
    • I have not experienced any motion sickness with the supported games for the oculus
    • On a health note, it is okay for a bit on my eyes but can get motion sickness depending on the viewing content
    • If you have minimum hardware spec to support this, the display will freeze sometimes and suffer from low refresh rate sometimes which causes motion sickness.
    • Dirt Rally, Project Cars, and Elite Dangerous are the most compelling pieces of software, but they are also the most expensive, can potentially give you motion sickness, and (based on user preference) may need extra peripherals to be fully enjoyed
    • The fast pace motion of Arma 3 and Fallout 4 almost made me vomit and I am not prone to motion sickness
    • Games are great - actually gave some of my friends motion sickness and definitely a lot of screams!
    • I personally have not experienced any motion sickness when playing any of the VR-specific titles
    • Except the occasional motion sickness, as with any other game where You move. :DBe careful when removing the headphones, it's not clear how to do it, there are plastic screws on the side belt, which You need to loosen, in order to release the headphones
    • After 15-20 of games listed in the 'Intense" category, I got a bit of motion sickness, and I NEVER get sick like that
    • If you are prone to motion sickness or sea sickness, you might have an issue in certain games.
    • I had to go through some motion sickness at
    • FYI I do get motion sickness (sea mostly).-VR technology is super new and these headsets make all my games seem like they are in 800x600
    • Also, it may not be for you, period, due to motion sickness
    • Or just pop some motion sickness medican and be the hero Gotham deserves.
    • Oculus rift has very limited amount of apps available, the resolution is not a great, hard to use for people with glasses, and cause motion sickness very easily
    • Just have to work out how to deal with the motion sickness
    • n’t want to scratch the lenses.
    • Finding a good USB C to HDMI adapter has been a hassle the best one so far has been the Bestbuy house brand out of 4 I have tried
    • So Install Windows 10 on bootcamp and get a good USB C to hdmi and your good to go
    • You will then need to purchase a Displayport to HDMI adapter but many of them do not work well and are not compatible with either the Rift or with many modern 4K TVs and while they say they can support 4K resolutions at 60 Hz, many cannot