• Reviews around skin (2.35 of 5)

    Pure Wild Alaskan Salmon Oil for Dogs & Cats - Supports Joint Function, Immune & Heart Health - Omega 3 Liquid Food Supplement for Pets - All Natural EPA + DHA Fatty Acids for Skin & Coat - 8 FL OZ

    • This has helped her skin smooth again and enjoy her food.
    • It has greatly improved my dog skin.
    • Both of my pets are excited each morning when they get their dose of salmon oil and it cleared up my kitties dry skin after one use.
    • We have noticed less itching since using the product, as well as less flaky skin
    • My cat was having an issue with dry flaky skin.
    • Cleared up his itchy dry skin.
    • My dog had crazy dry skin, so much that it was flaking off in layers along her back and above her tail
    • Have used this for 4 months now and it has ended her “dry itchy skin”.
    • Halfway through the bottle I noticed my baby who has dry, problematic skin, feels softer, his skin actually FEELS nourished, when usually by now he needs a bath because he’s so dried up, dirty and his coat feels wiry
    • It has made his skin less flaky and itchy and his coat isnt as coarse on top from buildup on his fur
    • I'd be willing to put up with all of this if it helped my dog's dry itchy skin, but it didn't
    • His vet said his skin and coat look fine and not to be the cause and it isn't allergies
    • Love this product and about to order more for my GSD that was suffering from itchy flaky skin
    • My pups love the taste on their food, and reduced itchy skin and improved their coats shine
    • My dog loves the taste and it seems to be calming his itchy skin
    • Due to sensitive, itchy skin, our vet recommended an omega 3 oil supplement be added to our dog's (a Bichon mix) food.
    • Gave this a shot to help my cat with her itchy dry skin, but she refuses to eat her food now even with only a half pump
    • This is worth buying if your dog has really itchy skin and always scratching
    • I’m confident it will help heal her skin from the inside out
    • Skin is softer but he still itches a lot
    • My dogs love this and they definitely seem the have healthier skin/coats
    • My Australian Shepard had really dry itchy skin before trying this.
    • Maybe even her skin has gotten worse
    • My cat had really bad flakey skin but now using it for about 2 weeks his skin is so much better!
    • It is so shiny and in great shape and his skin is flawless
    • It also has given him a shiny coat and healthy skin
    • she had such flaky dry skin and within a week I saw a dramatic change
    • My cat had really bad flakey skin but now using it for about 2 weeks his skin is so much better!
    • This does wonders for itchy dry skin
    • One of my cats has always had sensitive skin and would always have dandruff
    • My black lab/mix/mutt was having HORRIBLE skin issues
    • Skin is softer but he still itches a lot
    • I’ve noticed his coat is so much shinier and healthier and less skin dryness and itchiness!
    • My pups love the taste on their food, and reduced itchy skin and improved their coats shine
    • My dogs had very itchy skin and hot spots, along with hair loss
    • Due to sensitive, itchy skin, our vet recommended an omega 3 oil supplement be added to our dog's (a Bichon mix) food.
    • I have only been putting this on my dog's food for a week now and have already noticed a difference in her coat and itchy skin.
    • Living in a colder climate, the air gets dry and causes flaky skin.
    • My bull mastiff has dry, itchy skin & this oil seems to help
    • Halfway through the bottle I noticed my baby who has dry, problematic skin, feels softer, his skin actually FEELS nourished, when usually by now he needs a bath because he’s so dried up, dirty and his coat feels wiry
    • It has helped with her dry itchy skin and has made her coat sleek and shinny.
    • My doberman has the worst flaky skin
    • My dog has extremely sensitive/dry skin and allergies
    • Easy to dispense, my dog doesn’t seem to mind it, her skin is definitely better
    • Cleared up his itchy dry skin.
    • Her broths have Vitamin E in them but not enough to relieve her itchy skin and if l give them every day (which she loves), she has loose stool.
    • Her skin and itching has improved dramatically
    • Her skin is healthy and her coat is shiny and soft.
    • vitamin b. Great for healthy skin and coat
    • I mainly purchased it because he’s had sensitive skin and was always itchy.. after a few days I’ve noticed a huge difference!
    • We have noticed less itching since using the product, as well as less flaky skin
    • In a week or so, his skin healed
    • Her bald spots are nowhere to be seen, her coat is shiny, and there has been an extreme reduction of flaky skin
    • Her skin and hair greatly benefits from it.
    • The oil helps stimulate my puppy's appetite and also has promoted better skin
    • I got this for my Stafforshire terrier mix, she had very itchy skin and always was rubbing her sides on my bed
    • Her skin is much better!
    • He used to have really bad dry, itchy skin and dandruff, and now even though his dandruff is not 100%
    • My fur baby loves her salmon oil in her food, and it has helped her skin and coat look so much healthier!
    • When we first brought our rescue pup home, she had an itchy skin condition which caused her to scratch constantly.
    • My dog has really bad dry and flaky skin
    • His coat which used to be sleek and shiny was dull and thick with yuck and weird dead skin that just sloughed off
    • Not to mention Chowdah had itchy skin like year round poor guy has aweful allergies 3 seasons out of the year and is on benadryl and just still scratching but man his coat has never looked so shinny and
    • it helped all their skin and coats look amazing
    • It has helped eliminate her dry/itchy skin.
    • Since using this for a few months my doggo isn't scratching or irritating her skin
    • but this is the happiest and most energetic I've seen her in a while.