• Reviews around cable (1.99 of 5)

    Rocksmith 2014 Edition - Xbox 360 (Cable Included)

    • The problem is that the cable that came with it is defective
    • All cables were excellent quality monoprice cables
    • I could not get past the intro ......looked at message boards....discovered that more than likely my issue is cable isn't working!
    • There is no quick contact to the seller to inform them that the cable is bad
    • After a few months I can play songs without the game!The cable that is included is great
    • I can usually excuse this if it happened once, but two cables stopped working on me.
    • I only post this after 10 days and $50 worth of attempted work-arounds and cables
    • I bought this game and was one of the unlucky few to receive a bad cable
    • though some sites are starting to do this you have to pay for it)the first game had a story mode type play through which is one of the things that 2014 lacks in my opinion though this could be corrected with an expansionsome people fault the cable for being cheap/not well made
    • I got a cable with the first rocksmith back in late 2012 that cable is still working after hundreds of hours of use.
    • I bought;The game itself is amazing, however the cables seem to randomly break for no reason
    • plus, the cable "just works" with our linux systems and sounds terrific recording on them!
    • I bought a coupler and attached my real guitar cable to it so that this cable can remain motionless
    • Cable - There may be an issue with the cable connecting the guitar to the Xbox as the software states my volume needs to be turned up
    • how long I thought I had a faulty cable before I did some googling to find others having the same problem.
    • After a few months of use, the cable randomly just wouldn't work one day
    • Might've been a bad cable, but after the experience with the first one, I didn't have the patience to jack with it (no pun intended).
    • Exactly what I expected, the cable sent works fine
    • I bought this game on april 2014 and was working fine until last week (December 2014) when the cable simply stopped to work
    • Ignore the RGB cables, just plug the red/white cables into an old bookshelf stereo, or ipod dock, or anything you have that will take this very common audio input
    • I don't know if its the cable or my Acquire or what, but its not working
    • case you are one of the many who get the bad cables.
    • Having some guitar skills I knew I wasn't that bad, So I busted out my Xbox av cables broke the plastic part
    • UBISoft should get their act together and put a more durable cable, especially if they are going to charge 30 dollars for an extra cable.
    • The cable is not the cheap knock off.
    • The included cable has no issues, and this package is much cheaper than I could find anywhere else.
    • We even bought an inexpensive bass guitar and another cable so we can play two-player
    • However, the cable always stops working.
    • I just wish the cable wasn't so dang expensive to play multiplayer ($30+) or if I need to replace it down the line
    • Great game but poor quality cable
    • From the forums that I've read there are quite a few bad cable issues with this game
    • The cable that came with it didn't work on any of my guitars.
    • The cable doesn't work so my 14 yr old can't use this game.
    • Pretty disappointed that I am gonna have to buy the cables worth again.
    • I talked to Ubi's tech support and they were very helpful but determined the cable was bad
    • But the good thing is you can slow the track down as slow as you'd like
    • You can go through the lessons as slow as you want, as fast as you want, and as easy or difficult as you want
    • You can go through the lessons as slow as you want, as fast as you want, and as easy or difficult as you want
    • Only problem besides the high e not picking up sometimes, is the annoying buzzing of the realtone cable