• Reviews around habit (1.49 of 5)

    Rocksmith 2014 Edition - Xbox 360 (Cable Included)

    • Someone else said that the game lets you get away with "bad habits".
    • As for fingering and strumming/picking, what exactly is a bad habit?
    • You have to be extra careful not to develop horrible habits while playing the game, because it will not guide you very well on finger placement, technique, etc
    • I have not found that it encourages any bad habit either
    • I have not found that it encourages any bad habit either
    • In my opinion, the only bad habit would be one that prevents what you play from sounding like what's inside you.
    • Even when I score low on a song I've been playing for 10 years, I take time to understand how my rhythm is off a bit (old bad habits, I'm sure) and try hard to correct it.
    • But the good thing is you can slow the track down as slow as you'd like
    • You can go through the lessons as slow as you want, as fast as you want, and as easy or difficult as you want
    • You can go through the lessons as slow as you want, as fast as you want, and as easy or difficult as you want
    • I had fun with (red and yellow strings), but when the blues and oranges started coming up, i fumbled trying to figure out how to pluck them, got frustrated, and put the guitar down and haven't touched it since then