• Reviews around size (4.26 of 5)

    Samsung U28E590D 28-Inch 4k UHD LED-Lit Monitor

    • Amazing Picture and great sized screen for gaming!
    • I would have preferred something about half the size -- i.e. something with a similar aspect ratio to the surface 3, and something that isn't so gigantic
    • I game once in a blue moon, so size for productivity for me is more important
    • The colors are really nice on it and i like the size
    • it be readable size
    • Picture is great, it's a nice size, and I like the headphone jack and the input options
    • Now a days I do understand that due to the insane number of pixels and the microscopic size that a few (3-6) pixels will be dead and the display still passes QA tests.
    • They grew up to sizes 90" tall, but they lacked certain quality to them
    • So the size is completely compatible
    • I personally think 28 inch is the perfect size for 2560x1440 resolution - with 27 inch monitor with the same resolution I find texts to be too small
    • Every once in a while, when my attached mac (lid-down) comes out of sleep, it looks like monitor transiently exposes a smaller size, and the windows resize in an annoying fashion
    • The text and app size was pretty
    • The monitor also had some decent sized scuff marks, but with a damp towelette, they came off no problem
    • The monitor is fantastic (thus the 5 stars) but if you really want to make use of this kind of resolution for desktop work (e.g., programming, photoshop, etc), you might want to consider something a fair size larger
    • Perfect size, great resolution
    • But with Windows 10's scaling options in the display settings, you can easily bump up the size of app icons, text, etc., making great use of the 4K resolution
    • I prefer 24 inch screen size for work
    • Love the picture and the screen size
    • Size is just amazing.
    • im using it now, works great, perfect size for my desk, great functionality
    • Love the size and quality!
    • Perfect size
    • Crisp, sharp, and great size!
    • *Please note that this is the UPGRADED U28-E-590D model, over the identical U28-D-590D model