• Reviews around voice (3.87 of 5)

    Singtrix Party Bundle Premium Edition Home Karaoke System - #SGTX1

    • The Karaoke service allows you to adjust the lead singer voice, so if you want to get the tune down before you sing you can bring the lead up and then start over or if you're totally
    • This thing is perfect for kids a home that want to have fun hearing their voice sound like a choir, Barry White or a
    • n’t tried it outside yet, so can’t comment on how well it projects your voice outside
    • A little hard to learn the voice changer and what works best for
    • Great voice enhancement
    • Great voice enhancement
    • It has tons of different cool voice effects and a super user friendly set up and interface
    • It doesn't play well with Singtrix, your voice and the speaker associated.
    • If you are feeling insecure about singing in front of a group, it will boost your confidence because it auto tunes your voice
    • For people with a decent or even better voice, the system really adds to the listening experience.
    • It enhances your voice beautifully and makes you sound more professional
    • It enhances your voice beautifully and makes you sound more professional
    • Set up was real easy and I started using it and my wife came down stairs and said you have a really nice voice I had to confess told her it was the Singtrix unless of course she was kissing up but she never does that I'm the only one who does that
    • We sang for a few hours it was so much fun and really improves your voice.
    • I wish there were a few settings that didn't tune or enhance your voice because many people don't need that.
    • The pro level would be for those folks with nice voices who don't need any enhancements, but play around with it and see what you like.
    • It has not changed my voice one bit... so totally not happy with this expensive purchase...
    • Do you wish you could make your voice sound fuller, more powerful
    • I have a terrible voice, but sound good with all of the fantastic tuning options
    • Because while you will LOVE your new, improved singing voice and your back up singers(!!), the Singtrix guys never claim you will sound exactly like one artist or another
    • There are those who complain that the system makes your voice sound fake or even auto-tuned in some cases
    • Singtrix has great sound effects and can enhance any voice the only drawback is the second mic does not get the sound effects or enhancements.
    • Only positive is, at parties it can be funny changing your voice into something crazy, although pitch correction can work to some extent, your voice sounds nothing at all like your own.
    • This added a much better sound quality to my horrible voice.
    • Many of the different voices sound like the others
    • My favorite voice effect was the "Tinkerbell" effect (LOL)
    • In order to get a steady sing voice.
    • changes your voice and enhances your voice sounds really well
    • fast delivery, simple setup, great sound from speaker/amp, fantastic voice effects, works great with YouTube vast karaoke selection in any languages, and all for a reasonable price - highly recommended for hours of fun, enjoyment, relaxation with singing
    • and it makes my voice sound like a pop star!
    • I'm trying to find the natural voice settings all the other settings are fun but not realistic Tinkerbell?
    • Nothing more than a $50 voice synthesizer that makes your voice no matter how horrible sound even worse.
    • It's been a while since I've sung and my voice has declined in tonal quality.
    • The Singtrix really keeps you from having to strain your voice (The Bee Gees withstanding
    • If you already have a terrific singing voice (which I don't), this is still the karaoke system for you
    • Beyond my expectations ,have done all types of singing from church choir, on live TV , lead singer in a band , thought my voice was good ,using the Singtrix is like you have your own
    • voice!Highly recommend this to anyone looking to have a good time with hundreds of different vocal options!
    • There is also a great button to suppress the voice in a karaoke track that has the artist's voice still embedded in it
    • I've e-mailed the tech support three times and have yet to get an answer