• Reviews around fall risk (1.44 of 5)

    SMART CAREGIVER TL-5102MP Motion Sensor And Pager

    • My elderly mother is a fall risk and this pager has been a God send
    • Dad has dementia, and has become a fall risk when getting up every night without fail to use the bathroom
    • We bought this because my 86 year old grandmother is a fall risk and she lives with us
    • My mom is a fall risk, and this alerts me every time she's about to get out of her
    • She is a fall risk and gets up in the middle of the night and wanders around
    • My Mom has Parkinson's disease and is a fall risk and I can't keep my eye on her every minute of the day but this little gadget does a great job of that
    • She is a fall risk and needs constant monitoring
    • The alarm box has two volume settings, "loud as F" and "the dead shall rise up".
    • I am able to go to sleep with confidence that the sensor will work as it should and alert me instantly.
    • Works exactly as it should and does not alarm in the room so does not scare father in law who has Alzheimers.
    • I wanted to leave a review because all the other reviews here were very helpful for me when I was lost as to how to handle a difficult situation