• Reviews around lack (2.28 of 5)

    Sony Alpha a6000 Mirrorless Digital Camera 24.3 MP SLR Camera with 3.0-Inch LCD - Body Only (Black)

    • With my advancement in the craft came a few annoyances with my camera, though: the 12 MPs, noisy images at higher ISOs, and lack of direct controls, to name the most important.
    • Very happy with the camera, so far the Only complaint is the lack of a mic input jack, but I knew that before purchasing.
    • LOVE the lack of weight.
    • The lack of marking on the Sony e-mount lenses was also a major issue
    • the lack of app selection and predatory prices is insulting
    • The drawback for this camera is the lack of lenses longer than 200mm so if you are a wildlife photographer this camera may not be the right choice
    • My only complaint is the lack off a wide range telephoto lens
    • The one complaint I have always had with Sony is their lack of software updates, they are notorious for releasing a whole new body and leaving their existing customer in the dark
    • Considering the resulting price, perhaps one gets their money's worth, even with a lack luster sensor.
    • In fact, it blew the Lumix LX7 with its f1.4- 2.3 out of the water indoors without flash, due the lack of noise compared the Lumix
    • Very happy with the camera, so far the Only complaint is the lack of a mic input jack, but I knew that before purchasing.
    • At first I thought the lack of zoom would be an issue, but I've adjusted by using my feet and by thinking harder about how I want to compose the shot
    • I miss the lack of GPS and artificial horizon from my A55
    • The terrible lack of documentation makes it impossible to master them
    • The only knock on the screen is the lack of touch screen, which is becoming more common in higher quality cameras
    • The only downside that I found with the A6000 is the lack of lens selection.
    • , L lenses even more so, so as much as I love to use it when I go out with sole intention of taking pictures, those are not really handy to carry around for anything else
    • To make matters worse, I purchased an Arca-Swiss-compatible L bracket.
    • you can get extremely high quality photos for the cost of the cheapest L pro zoom lens (70-200 f4)
    • I own only L lenses as well as the well renowned Sigma 35 f1.4
    • The camera is rated as best in class for a wide variety of functions and 'as good as' on most others...up against darn near anything
    • The shutter speed and auto focusing weren't as good as with the newer firmware.
    • and I could not afford a better body such as
    • The zoom isn't quite as smooth as with my DSLR
    • so if you purchase them as you upgrade all your lenses will work as you upgrade your camera body.
    • A lot of the Pros complain that the focus system is not as good as those found in a DSLR but for me I found it more than good enough.
    • very nice features - 11 frames per second, in camera HDR, lightweight and compact, facial recognition, awesome low light capabilities, very easy to use with no getting frustrated as i toggle between ISO, F-stops, and shutter speed
    • I had a very capable D3200 and 4 quality lenses.