• Reviews around dialog (1.91 of 5)

    Super Paper Mario

    • While the dialogs can get lengthy, they are entertaining and not too annoying
    • This game has a lot of unnecessary dialog in it and its a lot of just sitting there and clicking through it
    • (and I mean ONLY) complaint I had with it is the loooooooooooooooooooooong dialog between the bad guys and the good guys...and between the bad and bad and good and good guys, too.
    • Lastly, the dialog was utter torture.
    • This game would be so much better without the lengthy pointless dialog
    • There's no game here, if there is, you have to endure more than 30 mins of bad music and lame dialog bubbles or worthless chatter
    • Don't get me wrong, games with heavy dialog (like the Final Fantasy series) can help suck you into the game, but in this case the dialog is often boring, sometimes stupid, and annoying (I'll never get the bleep-blop noise of the revealing dialog out of my head).My other gripe is that the actual fun part of the game is too short (I did use a walkthrough to help at times, but that was to get unstuck).
    • There are over 30 different levels in the game that bring back the classic 2-D side-scrolling action from the original Super Mario Brothers, with a different twist
    • My husband and daughter skipped over most of the reading by hitting the a button as fast as they could without really effecting their game play (if they thought they missed something they could just talk to a person again).This includes some really puzzling puzzles, a fun story, great characters (both new and old), and a variety of controls.
    • All in all, Super Paper Mario is a well-rendered game for the Wii, and should entice new Mario fans, as well as those waiting Super Mario Galaxy
    • The music is Nintendo classic in appeal, the new characters just as eccentric as you've become used to, and the game lives up to everything that Mario games have become known for
    • Kids will love it as much as I do (and I'm nokid)