• Reviews around interface (4.61 of 5)

    Tenda AC1200 Wireless Wi-Fi Smart Router (AC6)

    • Excellent interface and tons of features for price, using in small business with 15 clients
    • This router sets up easily, and has a nice, intuitive interface for management.
    • An AC router immediately took my spectrum “100Mb” internet from 50 to 120 download speed and comes with a very user friendly interface to set everything up and customize on your phone
    • I like how clean looking the device isI dont like how one of the antenna was so lose it would not stay in place, but I suspect that was a fluke - the other one is perfect!I like the user interface - very good.
    • We can pick up neighbors Wi-Fi in our house, but isn't the strongest, about 25% signal strength, so little interface, if any for our Wi-Fi
    • Easy interface and works great.
    • Despite the fact it only has 3 ethernet jacks rather than the typical 4, and the wifi speeds aren't blazing compared to some, it does make up for that with a nice package, a simple and you could say elegant interface and thus far solid firmware
    • I love the interface to the router with the mobile app and the quality makes you think you spent way more than what it is priced at
    • Very easy and friendly interface
    • It performed great for the first few hours also has a great user interface with convenient features as well
    • The set up was very nice, and the interface is intuitive
    • Easy interface with great features and works perfectly
    • The interface is excellent and intuitive, so setting up the Tenda AC6 AC1200 was relatively easy
    • I like the interface.
    • By the time you raise the antennas, it ends up being a pretty tall device that needs an ample amount of vertical clearance.- Interface: Super straightforward interface.
    • easy interface, and very good connection.
    • perfect price, really simple interface, and options to automatically periodically power cycle to prevent slow speeds and the need to reset the router manually
    • The interface is beautiful and effective
    • This was easy to install had a very nice interface with all the options.
    • It has a nice interface and everything seemed to be working well, but as soon as anyone in the house starts to download anything, everyone's latency shoots up from the normal 40ms to 300ms or above
    • Intuitive user interface and easy to use.
    • Setup is easy and the interface is very easy to understand.
    • Also has a very nice and friendly user-interface that has lots of nice little options like parental control, schedule, beam-forcing, etc
    • I don’t like the AC18 standard Setup interface because I like the detail of Tomato, but the dumb-ed down stock setup will work well for just about everybody
    • The interface is the best I have worked with - very straightforward
    • I like how clean looking the device isI dont like how one of the antenna was so lose it would not stay in place, but I suspect that was a fluke - the other one is perfect!I like the user interface - very good.
    • Works as it should.
    • It is a very clean and well laid-out interface, and makes setting up and customizing the router very intuitive and easy
    • My friend recommended this router to me as he mentioned it is working very well for him, so I decided to give it a shot
    • The 5gh works for my printer and the husband's), as well as our tv, computers, tablets, phones, etc
    • As an AP you really notice it only has 3 Ethernet ports as you will lose one, but if you have a switch that is not a problem.
    • I had been worried that Apple's departure from wifi hub manufacturing would result in a decline in overall capabilities, but I'm very pleased with this offering from Tenda as well as with the remarkable user interface offered within the firmware, far more than I'm used to in the Airport system.