• Reviews around difficulty (2.05 of 5)

    The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel - Lionheart Edition - PlayStation Vita

    • Overall a good JRPG although complicated by poor difficulty balancing and necessity to either known or learn useless facts to gain points
    • However, a cool combat system, an interesting concept, multiple difficulty settings and some fantastic music come together to make it easily one of best treats for PS3 owners this year, as we reach the end of any new and creative games the PS3 may be receiving
    • The difficulty on normal is well above what most games would consider normal
    • The bad:Poor difficulty balancing: I'm playing on NORMAL difficulty and am finding that some regular enemies will wipe out my party without grinding
    • So far, anyhow - as mentioned, and I'll mention it again, I have not gotten far into the game, and therefore have not seen the ending nor the higher-level bosses/enemies, so things could jump to nearly-impossible difficulty by the end
    • Found the "Hard" difficulty to be satisfying without being punishing (can't be changed once you begin a game, so try to choose wisely up front or be prepared to start over before you get too far if you think you picked the wrong difficulty).
    • That Normal difficulty is wiping out my party and this has happened many times is indicative of poor difficulty balancing
    • The only option below that is EASY which supposedly offers little difficulty although I doubt that's the case
    • I hope you guys do Sen no Kiseki 2 as well C:
    • Postive note u can fast forward and skip with the circle button so please do not let this discourage u from buying this game
    • Unlike most games in this genre, is wasn`t frustrating at all