• Reviews around motion (1.90 of 5)

    The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword

    • The real problem though lies in the terrible Wii motion plus results.
    • Except the motion controls, a little overdone
    • The "motion plus" is really fun, dispatching foes with more physical control than I am used to in a game (they block a certain way so you need a vertical swing or you have to jab to hit a small target on a spiders abdomen-that sort of thing).The story is classic and
    • The "motion plus" is really fun, dispatching foes with more physical control than I am used to in a game (they block a certain way so you need a vertical swing or you have to jab to hit a small target on a spiders abdomen-that sort of thing).The story is classic and
    • It would probably be a great game, if not for the motion controls that don't work great and the cheesy cel-shadded graphics.
    • Even to defeat little tiny bug type enemies, you have to over-exaggerate the sword swinging motion
    • 11 y/o Son loves it
    • It's a must have in the collection, DON"T miss it!
    • 11 y/o Son loves it