• Reviews around morning (4.24 of 5)

    The Morning Sidekick Journal - Morning Habit Tracker! Create Your Perfect Morning Routine. A Science Driven Daily Planner for Building Positive Life Habits. (Sunrise red.)

    • I was wasting my mornings on drinking coffee while on the computer or phone; facebook, instagram, stupid quizzes, internet worm holes....
    • Both of us have been trying to make our mornings more productive and purposeful.
    • It's main strength is its laser focus, which is on helping you establish an effective morning routine
    • The nuggets of inspiration and information are key to drive me to a successful morning.
    • Helps you set a morning and evening routine and encourages you to reflect in a positive way
    • I am slowly turning into someone who loves mornings
    • I once had a good morning routine
    • Implementing the changes took some real effort, and now that I'm halfway through the 66 days, I can see my mornings becoming far more peaceful, far more productive, and far more awake than before
    • How positively simple and yet a brilliant tool for creating a morning routine that works
    • Excellent and fun way to break your bad morning routine and replace it with a productive way to start your days.
    • Great guide for improving your mornings and your life.
    • This should be billed as a morning prompt journal (with the same prompts every single day) sandwiched into a self help book
    • They push me forward in my journey to a better morning routine
    • It's helping me to have a consistent morning routine.
    • My husband and I missed 1 morning in 66 days and we were literally off all day.
    • So far I find this journal very helpful for structuring my mornings, making me more productive, and making me see both good and bad patterns
    • My mornings are already more productive.
    • I have struggled for years with developing a consistent morning routine
    • Each day has a short little read that is usually pretty interesting and has helped me dial in a pretty solid morning routine
    • I have NEVER been a happy morning person.
    • This journal has been great in helping me rediscover my peaceful, unharried mornings.
    • Due to various other changes I've been making in my life recently, I knew that I needed to learn self-mastery, which meant mastering my mornings
    • I've started conquering my mornings leading me to conquering my days!
    • I hope to continue my productive mornings with the help of your journal.
    • I know that mornings are super important, but couldn't get my act together until now
    • It really helps you to focus on your priorities and is gentle even for those of us who have difficult mornings, due to fatigue or other health challenges
    • I highly recommend The Miracle Morning (which they talk about in the journal) too.
    • This Sidekick Journal has changed the way I think about mornings (I'm not a fully autonomous morning person, and probably never will be), journaling (its all about presence), and the Why of what I do
    • This journal is amazingly constructed that you're bound to be successful in your journey of creating a profound morning habit that will stick for a lifetime.
    • I absolutely love my mornings now, something I never thought I'd say