• Reviews around graphic (3.44 of 5)

    The Sims 3: Pets - Nintendo 3DS

    • Lots of games and great graphics
    • The graphics will not blow you away or anything, though the 3D can be helpful in home design.
    • but it has some flaws.the game has the best graphics for a 3ds that i have ever seen.
    • 3DS graphics hurt my eyes and didn't add too much to the game
    • It is, however, less custom (as expected of a 3DS game), and the graphics aren't as perfect but are better than I thought
    • I actually prefer this to the PC version due to the fun and unheard of gameplay options (such as play as a pet only household) combined with a portable system and 3D graphics
    • I did however bring my nintendo 3DS XL with me and when the inevitable i want to play the Sims