• Reviews around title (3.95 of 5)

    Alice: Madness Returns - Playstation 3

    • I love this title because it doesn't do the same ol' repetitive slash and hacking or shooting, its a game in its own right, with decent difficulty
    • Madness Returns was an extremely entertaining title that leaves lasting
    • and I highly recommend this title to just about all types of gamers.
    • I have no problem with a developer who exploits a title (such as Alice in Wonderland, Inferno), but such titles are so well read and understood, give the title some respect, get into the depth of the story and its characters.
    • Throw in a fairly decent storyline, and DLC outfits and weapons, you have yourself a strong title worth the price of admission.**NOTE: New Copies of Alice: Madness Returns will should include a code to give you American McGee's Alice free of charge!**NOTE: Texture pop-in problems also have been occurring on the 360 version.
    • MR is a great title, albeit with problems that made me go WTF several times
    • The original still stands well on its own both narratively and as a piece of gaming history, so you may as well buy this title just for a chance to compare the past and present gaming industry.
    • This title is gorgeous, whimsical, dark, and creatively styled like the original, but the gameplay is far closer to a God of War or Jak & Daxter style fighting/platform game.
    • I have no problem with a developer who exploits a title (such as Alice in Wonderland, Inferno), but such titles are so well read and understood, give the title some respect, get into the depth of the story and its characters.
    • Despite the platforming feeling re-used a bit to much(lack of variety) the game is definitely a title worth owning.
    • it was great good condition and everything it played fine never skipped or froze i was completely satisfied with this game