• Reviews around thing (3.51 of 5)

    Animal Crossing: New Leaf

    • Seems like the developers have never seen grass in real life and imagine it to be this super fragile thing that dies if you touch it
    • say snarky things
    • Aren't those the kind of things you play video games to escape from?The beautiful thing about video games are that they dump you in a world where you can be whatever you want, they make you feel like somebody you could never dream of being
    • So Pokemon Y progress was the only thing I didn't care about losing I replayed that game 4x
    • It doesn't really have a point, and I think that is one of my favorite things about the game
    • It's not the kind of game you sit down and play all day, because there's only so much you can do in your town every day, but since there are a few important things to do every day that only take a little while, you get a nice long time to enjoy your game instead of burning out on it
    • This is a great game if your one for being a completionist, like collecting things, decorating, and annoying your neighbors
    • The great thing about this game is that it never really ends.
    • Going for a new haircut, shopping for clothes and new furniture sounds tame, but believe me when l say these little things are exciting and part of the experience of Animal Crossing
    • It works on StreetPass too (which is one of my favorite things about 3DS).
    • The best thing about this game is that it took the ideas of the original and expanded upon them greatly
    • New Leaf does a great job of putting all the great things about the previous games into one package
    • If you love cute animals, cute things in general, building your home and decorating it as you please + while having fun interacting with cute animals in your village then this is the game for you.
    • The online multiplayer is entertaining because you can enjoy all the things i listed above with a friend, and also travel to an island with your friends or even meet people there and enjoy games and the beach together
    • I'd heard good things, and the game looked interesting, so I decided to take a leap and try it out.
    • All of the amazing things about Animal Crossing have carried over and can be found in this newest edition, right down to banging on the rocks in the town with your shovel to try to get thousands of Bells
    • She played the gameimmediately and a good thing it was there in time as late as I was ordering.
    • They also say some rather intelligent things from time to time.-Very addicting
    • The only bad thing I have to say about this game is that it takes up too much of my time.
    • You can build small things like lampposts, build entire buildings, etc
    • I can't say enough good things about it
    • They love all the new updates and things you are able to do
    • The nice thing is that you can play for 10 minutes or 5
    • Even once you've explored all of the game's options, it's still a nice thing to check back into every few days or so
    • You'll play this for an hour each day doing little things like collecting sea shells, oranges, pulling weeds, collecting bugs all to get your approval rating and "bells" so that you can make improvement to your town.
    • If you're one to collect things, this is a great addition to the Animal Crossing franchise (first player you make takes the responsibility of mayor of the town [make initial villagers happy by building public works projects or generally build your town to a perfect condition and/or if you're familiar with the franchise find your ideal villagers as there are over 300 villagers], and every other player you make [up to 4 total including the initial mayor player] is essentially like playing the other Animal Crossing games [though I've only played City Folk on the Wii]).The only thing I can honestly think of that I don't like about the
    • This game is a perfect mash of old school Animal Crossing as well as properly introducing new things such as being the mayor and completing tasks to really make your town exactly the way you want.
    • Another great thing about the game are the enhanced internet capabilities
    • Another great thing about the game are the enhanced internet capabilities
    • There is so much you can do in this game and collect so many awesome things that you could never do or get in the original animal crossing
    • Me and my friend would play it, trading off, collecting things and enjoying the overflowing charm of the dialogue and townsfolk
    • You get to decide important things and everyone looks up to you
    • It's such an amazing game, for anyone new to Animal Crossing as well as long time fans, you'll love all of the amazing things this game has to offer
    • so first of your the mayor which is like the best thing ever and you've got an intern named Isabelle who is literally the cutest and sweetest thing
    • The good things I could list about this game goes on and on but what you really need to know is that this game will literally go down in gaming history books as one of the most important titles for the 3DS
    • so it's a hard thing to put down for better or worse.
    • I do have to say that the island is nice for the most part, mostly because you can really rack up the bells while you're there, enabling you to pay off things a little more quickly so you can work through your home quickly so you can save your bells for the pricey extras such as the town projects or uber expensive house fixings
    • My husband was the last one to get the game and as he was setting it up, my daughter warned, "Daddy, if you do not read what the other characters are saying, bad things will happen!
    • I mean, if you shut your 3DS the damn thing will still go
    • Collect bugs, fish, fossils, and paintings, dive in the sea, shop, make your town a better place.(Also, the QR code system for sharing designs is probably the best friggin thing ever)
    • It's also great to know that you can make basic clothing designs for free, rather that 500 bells!It's a good thing knowing who is going to move into your town a day before they do
    • Good but loses its charm and things to do after a few hours or sessions
    • The cool thing about New Leaf getting boring is, a few months or years later, you'll suddenly become interested again and pick it up to play as though it's new
    • One of my favorite things that I wasn't expecting is the ordinances which you can use to make the game suit your playstyle
    • Go in this thinking the sims but no house building (not on sims level anyway) and your going to enjoy the trip.last thing,
    • I heard such great things about it that I had to join in
    • Like previous games, you start by entering a new town where you will buy a house, make friends, and discover many great things outdoors
    • Came sooner than I expected (which is always a good thing)
    • Customization is one of my favorite things in video games whenever it's a
    • The reason I gave it 4 stars is because it does most things well and
    • Don't know if that's really a good thing, but I enjoy it nonetheless
    • So Pokemon Y progress was the only thing I didn't care about losing I replayed that game 4x
    • Aren't those the kind of things you play video games to escape from?The beautiful thing about video games are that they dump you in a world where you can be whatever you want, they make you feel like somebody you could never dream of being
    • Seems like the developers have never seen grass in real life and imagine it to be this super fragile thing that dies if you touch it
    • I still haven't gone through all the game, and I think you can hang out with strangers that play the game too, and things like that
    • This isn't a bad thing, of course; just repeating the same thing over and over can get stale; but this might be considered too different by long-time fans
    • The best thing in this game is the cute animals... which is too bad.
    • Cant say enough good things about this game.
    • One of my favorite things is you get to choose EXACTLY where you want your house
    • all of a sudden there's nothing to do in this game but the same repetitive thing
    • Collecting bugs, fish and other things to sell makes up most of the time playing, as things in this game are expensive to build
    • Houses are quaint, and all the little things you can do are nifty
    • And the best thing, if you accidentally turn off your handheld without saving, or if the battery dies on your 3DS without you having saved first, that stupid beaver doesn't spend five minutes yelling at you for not saving
    • But... I will also say there are some things to be aware of in the game and that I view as somewhat negative things (not entirely, but they aren't 100%
    • New events and things to do pop up every day as well, and the towns celebrate different holidays in real time as well
    • And you can actually change things like building a bridge or making to stores stay open later
    • Regardless if I want to play in the middle of the night, first thing in the morning, or during the day, my character was always ready to go
    • It’s not necessarily a bad thing, just something I’ve noticed
    • I have played the DS version (Wild World) and Wii version (City Folk) but found they lacked some of my favorite things from the GameCube version, and was happy to see New Leaf come out with some new twists
    • this game has ruined my life with cuteness and wonderful things
    • This game takes forever to beat and that is not a bad thing.
    • While things like flower dying and weeds popping up still happen, the new garden center proprietor is more than happy to take some bells and clean up your town for you
    • Sometimes they wish to trade, sometimes they just like to say funny things and each one has their own unique personality
    • Nintendo's taken the core Animal Crossing experience and expanded upon it enough to make things feel fresh this time
    • But this also means that the game sort of expects you to play the game every day in order to talk to villagers and do everyday tasks and it also requires that you actually wait until tomorrow or next Tuesday or christmas day for events and what not that are time sensitive (unless you mess with the time, which can be a messy thing with consequences)
    • A little challenging, I needed to help him get started, but that's a good thing.
    • The best thing about this game is the pants
    • My favorite thing about this game is seeing all of the old characters from the other games and learning more about them
    • You don't go around killing things and beating levels.
    • Don't be too surprised when they start looting all the bells in your house to sell for a cool T=Shirt, though
    • And I also probably lost that stuff because of my STUPID 3G AAAAAATEEEEE&TEEEE!!!!!