• Reviews around electricity (1.25 of 5)

    Ariete Conical Burr Electric Coffee Grinder - Professional Heavy Duty Stainless Steel | Ultra Fine Grind with Adjustable Cup Size | 15 Fine - Coarse Grind Size Settings

    • Depending on the coffee I grind this can get messy- almost like static electricity
    • What I like - removable burr for cleaning, almost no static electricity in ground coffee container, easy to pour ground coffee directly in to cone of drip coffee maker from ground coffee container, easy to operate and well placed controls for the grinding time and grind thickness setting, removable whole bean hopper makes it easy to weigh whole beans on a digital scale before grinding for perfect ratios of water and coffee
    • Static electricity of ground coffee in the container wasn't expected.
    • No issues with static electricity causing a mess
    • Then the static electricity makes a further mess when pouring the grounds into the French press
    • Of course, I expected some static electricity but this is the biggest mess I
    • There is some “fallout” from static electricity, but the tight lid keeps it inside and if you simply grind it a few minutes before you need the coffee, a light tap on the counter will settle all the ground coffee and it’s ready to use
    • Nothing to clean, no static electricity.
    • Nothing to clean, no static electricity.
    • The plastic receiving cup builds up static electricity resulting in fines clinging to the sides and top of the cup
    • 125+ GRINDS REPORT STATIC ELECTRICITY is the problem with ALL small
    • What I like - removable burr for cleaning, almost no static electricity in ground coffee container, easy to pour ground coffee directly in to cone of drip coffee maker from ground coffee container, easy to operate and well placed controls for the grinding time and grind thickness setting, removable whole bean hopper makes it easy to weigh whole beans on a digital scale before grinding for perfect ratios of water and coffee
    • The one negative is that due to static electricity it's a little messy removing the ground coffee
    • While the grinder does grind very well the machine creates more static electricity than a Tesla coil causing grounds to be strewn all over the counter
    • No static electricity
    • i thought it was pretty good as it generated less static electricity than my previous machine
    • I have zero issues with static electricity and the grind is the same every.. time.. and is far more uniform than any other grinder I've ever had
    • Wanted a grinder that could grind very fine for my espresso machine, this is it, perfect everytime, and doesn't have static electricity issues either (last one I had did!)
    • Little static electricity.
    • The most common complaint with grinders is static electricity in the plastic grounds container that can send grounds flying everywhere when you go to dump them
    • Plastic causes static electricity... hence the coffee mess.